Taoism has no rules. It's a suggestion for preceiving life in its wholeness, without unnessary categorization, yet enjoying the beauty of categorization.
Taoism is not a religion, although perhaps it has been made into one by some people. Lao Tsu's way of life occurs in any spiritual philosophy.
There is another kind of wisdom, the wisdom of following - the wisdom of not taking the lead with your ego.
In the West the wise are usually thought of as leaders. In the East, the wise are very often though of as followers.
There are two choices available in duality - one side or the other side. Everyting is formed from that.
The mind of the child is not formed. We are shown that this is life, this is the world.
Our seeing is sexual initially.
Gradually, you were given a description of the world, a way of seeing, which is largely sexual.
The strongest factor in conditioning is sex, in the sense that the first thing that a person is really taught is whether they are male or female.
Male and female are the first things we learn because they represent the polarity of existence.
We really have no choice in the matter. We are given a description of the world that is much more potent and much deeper than you might realize.
We can think of descriptions almost as computer languages, an operative description that only deals with very simple operations. Its code is sex - Male, female, dark, light, up down, in out - its the language of duality.
The limitations that we can see of the sexual description of reality are very apparent. Very few men attain enlightenment, even fewer women.
There's a sense of productivity which cripples us terribly. We either have to be doing something worthwile or not. We are back to our little binary male-female code.
It's either good, bad or somewhere in between. It's either ying, yang or it's a combination. You're either male, female or somewhere in between. You've got to be somewhere on the map.
In the West when you talk about yin and yang, people normally think of yin and yang as something that's linear. But in the east we tend to think of yin and yang as circles. They're two circles that actually can lie on top of each other, yet they remain separate.
The pageant of life is divided into ying and yang. They're two circles. You can follow either circle and manage to develop enough speed to move beyond this world to other worlds, dimensional realities.
The I Cing is a study in duality and what lies beyond duality.
The dreams of existence of that we call time, space, matter, subject, object, yin, yang - everything flows forth from this tai chi.
Learn not to be attached to other people, to certain types of experiences. Allow the flow of life to guide you wherever it is supposed to and accept with equanimity, with balance, with poise, whatever happens.
Without innocence, nothing can further, as they say in the I Ching.
Unconscious of the existence of Tao, beings live supposing themselves to be separate from the universal intelligence, supposing themselves to be powerful or to be weak, thinking that they live their lives and die their deaths.
Why do people want to drain your energy? So they can journey to other worlds after death, where pleasures are a thousandfold. It is a fast game. Human beings are powerful and skillful.
People who drain others have a certain world they want to get to when they die, and you're their ticket!
Manipulators are very evolved. Energy is food. Forget good and bad. Is the coyote bad and the rabbit good?