Every day work on your humility through your meditation, giving more of yourself, giving those things you don't want to give.
When there's nothing but humility, there's nothing but spiritual oneness.
When you admire others, you become one with them and the world loves you.
If you suffer in love, if you have problems in love, it's because you don't have enough humility.
If you really have humility when you love, there is only one thought: "What can I do for my beloved?"
Humility does not live in the prison of illusion that says that this world is a dark and terrible place. Those perceptions are phantoms; everything is eternity, God, divine.
There is nothing that isn't perfect, the only reason we don't see that perfection constantly is because we lack humility.
Humility means that you have the courage to accept that you are eternity itself.
Accept that you are that - you are the matchless, eternal reality. That's true seeing, true humility.
Without purity it's impossible to realize God.
Purity is essential for just your own peace of mind; otherwise, you'll go through this world like a mad person, howling and screaming and cursing, never satisfied, never happy.
To run away from life and desire is impossible because you are life and you have desire. Accept that this is part of your physical condition and see that these aspects are not really indigenous to what you are.
Ego is impurity. Be selfless. Consecrate and dedicate your life to perfection.
Purity is receptivity, the ability to sit and wait patiently, for as long as necessary, for the coming of the light.
When the mind is not only silent, but that part of the mind that could become conscious that the mind is silent dissolves in light, then we see and feel purity. We become it, the purity of the eternal light.
The transcendental light permeates your being and washes away impurity. All those different selves which are limited and binding and hurting are washed away.
Purity is also developed in action. Purity is developed when we love.
Spend time with spiritual friends, those who seek light. Purity is gained through strength.
As you engage your mind in the scriptures, your mind will become pure.
The scriptures recommend love and service to the enlightened to develop purity.
Search this world and find that being who you feel has the greatest light and become their apprentice.
As you learn to love the company of the holy, your heart will become pure.
Learn from the purity of nature.
Feel that your body is like a bundle of flowers. When someone gives you flowers you enjoy their beauty, their purity. But you realize that, one day, the flowers will wither and fade.
The body will blossom and fade, but you will remain after this body of yours has gone away. This knowledge allows you to love the body without attachment. Thus, the body becomes absolutely pure.