I design genetic algorithms, neural network and artificial intelligence systems.
I develop artificially intelligent technologies, along with educational and game software and let the business people take it where they will.
Most of the software I sell runs on mainframes and supercomputers, and is used by multinational corporations and governments. You may not get to see that, but if I have done it properly, hopefully it will make the events in your life transpire more smoothly.
I am involved in the creation of software, and I'm also in the music business.
Whenever I work with anyone, it is an opportunity for them to become more professional and do something for someone else.
My feeling is that drugs and alcohol take away from the pure experience of meditation. That does not mean that occasionally, a person couldn't have a glass of wine or a drink.
I personally, only work with people in my business who show excellence. I have a business, the business of enlightenment.
I only work with professionals. I don't mean at seminars, but in my business.
I am Western and I see no need or reason to change that. The Western lifestyle has many things to offer, as do the Eastern methods of self discovery. I think blending the two is very desirable.
I don't think people should be primarily concerned with money or material success. They should be concerned with doing that which is right and being in harmony with the way of life.
It is my experience that if a person practices self discovery with intent, they will be successful. Success is an outer sign that they are channeling energy correctly.
I believe that it is the responsibility of everyone in corporate life to help with the funding of non-profit organizations.
I can throw a great party, but I don't know how to go to one. I can throw a party because when you throw a party you just work all the time. But I could never go to a party because I wouldn't know what to do ... I'd immediately find the kitchen and start to serve food.
I am simply a human being who is fascinated by the life process.
If I had my choice I'd hang out anywhere. I mean, it doesn't matter. It's all God; it's all the same. There's only nirvana for the enlightened.
If you think it makes a difference if I have ten thousand sports cars, ten million girlfriends and lead a very flashy life ... I don't think you should work with any teacher because you don't know what it is all about yet.
My happiness comes from doing all I can for my students. To help them, what else could there be?
I am an expert in the world of the supremely happy because I am happy. I've never met anybody as happy as I am - that, in itself, should make you unhappy.
I know a lot of ways to happiness! I also know some pretty fast shortcuts to misery.
Humor is one of the primary tools for liberation.
I personally have fun with enlightenment, the study and the teaching of it. I get a kick out of doing it different ways because I don't think there is a "way".
My seminars are for you. They are moments, hours and evenings outside of time. A chance, in a highly charged environment, to meditate, find stillness, and remember who you are. A place, with others of like mind, to find and lose yourself in the transcendental light.
I have often discussed the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path in talks I have given about meditation. But, since I also teach Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoist mediation, I have a very eclectic approach to the subject.
One evening you may learn about enlightenment, koans, meditation and personal power.
I may discuss contemporary cinema, how to shop at a mall without losing energy, how to use the power of mind to increase career and academic success, the Zen of sports, reincarnation, karma, sex, the experience of "suchness" or a new book by Stephen King.