Perhaps my own struggle against the negativity created by these so-called critics has enabled me to develop a more resilient, peaceful, inner strength which I, in turn, have attempted to communicate to others.
Samadhi is an experience of such depth, such joy, such indifference and such love, that nothing else is really like it or worthwhile in comparison, yet it gives shape, color and meaning to everything.
Samadhi is perfect absorption to the point where there is no sense of being absorbed, not the consciousness of knowing that you are having an experience.
Reality is perfect light. It frees you from the limitations of this world, from the ugliness, from the unhappiness of limited perception.
How do you know you were in samadhi? You know when your awareness returns to the plane of self and ideation that you have been beyond it.
When you go into samadhi there is no breath at all. The kundalini is perfectly stabilized. Usually it stabilizes in the solar plexus area.
You're going to merge your mind with the mind of eternity that goes on forever; that is not easy. It's very intense. I mean sitting on Mount St. Helens when it went off would have been small talk.
When you stop your thoughts, you stop the world.
When the world stops, time stops.
When time stops, matter stops.
When matter stops, self-consciousness stops.
When self-consciousness stops, there is nothing -nothing left to stop, start, begin or end.
The person who did all of these things has gone away, vanished without a trace in the ecstasy of existence.
It's as if all your past is written on the blackboard, and if we could erase it, your past would no longer exist. The way you do that - the only way you do that - is in samadhi.
The light of the supra-conscious, of salvakalpa and nirvikalpa samadhi, is not connected to this world at all. It passes through this world but it is not part of this world, in a way of speaking.
Let's say you dissolve and become infinite light. There is this sense of being light even though the mind is not thinking it, one feels it, which indicates that one is still there - at least half of one.
When you sit and meditate and begin to experience expanded states of mind, you will be afraid. The light makes most people very, very afraid. The only way to overcome the fear is walking down into the light.
The mind is afraid of its own dissolution. Life always seeks life.
Who is so brave and so noble that they could hurl themselves at infinity without any question, with complete trust and complete certainty that that infinity will destroy them forever?
Who has that absolute trust, to fling yourself into mortality, to let it do with you as it will, with all the permutations and possibilities of as it will, be it horror or ecstasy or boredom?
Dissolution means envelopment in Eternity.
Advanced meditation is facing the immensity of eternity, embracing that which terrifies you and frightens you and loving it because it's God. You are God.
You are all dirty and grungy. You go step in the shower and you come out clean. When you enter into the white light, it does something to you.
The average individual spends many, many lifetimes meditating and seeking and chewing bubblegum and doing things like that to attain the experience of samadhi.
Eventually you will go into samadhi. Samadhi is a very advanced meditation. You dissolve into the clear light of eternity again and again.