Willpower determines success in business, interpersonal relationships, health, whatever it is. All the activities in your life, success and failure in them, are dependent upon your ability to manifest will.
A student of mine is an actor, he used to go into these interviews and sometimes not get the part. He was "taken out". Someone would use power in a way that would cause him not to succeed
The way to win the race is not to trip somebody else. Simply have more energy. You will not only have a greater chance of winning; but whether you win or lose, you'll be happy.
When you hold positive thoughts and images in your mind, you raise your power level and you create a vibratory energy around those thoughts - those thoughts are more likely to manifest.
You work many hours. It is the major activity of your life. You can lose a lot of energy or gain a lot of energy from it. Put your full attention into it and do a good job, because it is part of your impeccability.
Think about these things and see if they make sense to you. You will find that work will no longer be a four-letter word. It will be a three-letter word: fun.
All things are divine. And yet, we pick and choose among them what's appropriate.
I recommend, for many people, the study of computer science. Our natural resource in America is the mind. The mindset in computer science is very similar to the mindset in Zen.
Computer science is fascinating. As you study computer science, you will find that you develop your mind. It is literally like doing Buddhist exercises all day long.
Computer science is the most misunderstood field there is. You are being paid to solve puzzles. For a person who has practiced meditation in past lives, that is the way your mind works.
The logical and extralogical exercises you do in meditation are very similar to advanced systems analysis and programming.
Consciousness, like a complex system of software, has thousands of levels of nested, self-accessing subroutines
In Buddhist practice a great deal of time is spent practicing mandala meditation. You learn to visualize and hold simultaneous concepts in the mind during meditation.
I have yet to see a career that is similar in benefit as computer science for doing the advanced exercises.
As you study computer science you develop this wonderful mental acumen, particularly with relational databases, systems analysis, and artificial intelligence.
Programming will aid a person in developing their mind and will aid their meditation. I find that people who have pursued programming are doing much better in their meditation.
A lot of the parallel processing software we're currently developing for supercomputers is tantric.
A number of people who are interested in computers in this lifetime programmed computers in Atlantis.
The software is the strength of the electronic tribe because it's networking. It's creating oneness. It's creating tributaries that link together into a singular river.
Software is a reflection of our own mind. And as our software improves it will not only take on the patterns of our minds more closely, but it will also pick up the energy of our minds; in other words, I think that software is alive.
Artificial Intelligence is creating a mind, hopefully as pure a mind as possible, for a computer.
It is a real service to humanity and the world to be a good programmer, particularly if you design great products. You make is easier for everybody, everybody has less headaches.
One of the wonderful things about the computer is that it allows us to sit at home and either write a book or a computer program. Then we can send that program or book to companies that specialize in reproducing them and distributing them.
Computers are the central access; information processing based on a spiral network, similar to that which is the chaos of existence itself, the analysis of systems, the interlocking lokas.
It is my belief that one of the most exciting things about the World Wide Web is that they allow minds, as Spock might say, to meld. The transfer of consciousness through a variety of mediums is nothing new.