When willpower is not guided, it's terrible. Hitler had a lot of will. But he used it for destructive purposes because he lacked wisdom.
Power, people are obsessed with it. You can take a nice person and turn them into a slob, into an insane being, craving power, destroying anything that stands in their way.
As you absorb more mystical kundalini, you will able to perform a few minor miracles. As you do this, you run a great risk of egotism. Some people handle it well; some don't.
People want power but not wisdom. Power without wisdom is a very dangerous thing. Better to have wisdom first.
Without wisdom, power tends to destroy the one who wields it.
Whatever you want you can get, when you understand the secret of will. But wisdom is needed so that you do not use your will abusively because you'll get hurt.
Say, for example, you develop the ability to make parking meters disappear. It's probably easier to put a quarter in it. That would be the wisdom on the subject.
If you use your will all the time, then it runs out. You deplete yourself and then, when you really need it, it's not there.
If you try to pull too much power through too soon, you will injure yourself.
The big problem with power, of course, is obsession. Once you get some of it and feel it, it dominates your whole life and it's all you can think about. That doesn't have to happen.
A reverence for life needs to be developed, in which all things are sacred.
A person who has power doesn't seek to challenge others, their battles are within.
Only the fool wants to go into battle to beat someone for the satisfaction of beating someone.
When you abuse willpower you waste it. There really is not an infinite supply of it at your disposal. There is an infinite supply of it in the universe.
The person of power uses their power to open up their mind to higher levels all the time, which creates tremendous happiness.
Power is something that is abused. I suppose use and abuse are in the eye of the beholder.
There is a difference between willing and forcing. Willing something simply means you are not being lazy. Forcing something means you are trying to do something inappropriate or in an inappropriate way.
I would define the proper use of power as something that creates happiness for yourself and others.
It is not necessary to wrap people up. The reason you're doing it is because you don't have enough power. If you had enough power, you could unlock your own personal power - you wouldn't need to control others.
It takes a lot of energy to manipulate someone and keep them on a string.
We see a lot of people who decide to go out and teach meditation. They become so wrapped up in it that they stop progressing themselves and they really don't have that much more to teach.
It is a tremendous waste of energy to try to block anyone else. That same energy could be applied to furthering your own success.
When we use power to cause someone else not to succeed so that we can succeed, it slows our vibratory frequency. It slows us down. When we slow down we experience unhappiness.
We learn to avoid blocking others, interfering with others, because that will decrease our happiness, slow our vibratory rate and generally bring us down and make us miserable.
When you become angry at someone, your anger will actually have a power. You can hit somebody in a non-physical way and it can injure that being.