At the moment you're suffering from what we call Maya. Maya is illusion. Maya is a Sanskrit word that suggests that we have forgotten. We've forgotten the purpose of life.
There is illusion, the way you see things now, thinking that there is a tomorrow, there is a today, there is time and that there is life and death. Those are just appearances
I don't think you see your minds. I think you see your thoughts; you see your desires; you see your relatives, friends, lovers, enemies. I don't think you see your mind. You think of the mind as the clutter.
Samsara is the world appearance, the cycle of rebirth, the physically manifest universes and states of mind that you perceive through the medium of ego.
You can be in a state of mind for a few seconds and forget that you were ever in any other state of mind. That's what we mean by illusion.
What gets frustrating for some people is the fact that you might get very high, but you find yourself pulled down again. There are forces of illusion or maya that cause us to make mistakes.
To suffer because of anything you see, feel or experience here in the world of moment to moment is a mistake. It is like becoming upset over a frightening dream.
The Samsara is the movement of life. And you, an individual self, a form, a moment on a wave, are bound.
You are separate from the universe, therefore you experience it.
As long as you exist, you are aware of the manifest universes through the senses, through feelings and through mind.
Reality is not the world as you perceive it. Reality is the world perceived through enlightenment. It's the same world; but it's not the same world.
Unlike the experience of nirvana, traveling to other dimensions will not take you beyond suffering, nor will it help you experience the limitless ecstasy of creation.
In the realm of the higher astral, it's just fun. We're on the honeymoon and we love each other so much that we can't keep our hands off each other and everything is wonderful. It doesn't last; it's a honeymoon.
Everyone is afraid of enlightenment, knowledge, completion. People are afraid of being exposed.
It's only illusions that destroy us. It's illusions that convince us that we can't. It's the illusions of the transient that tell us that all this matters.
An enlightened person doesn't know it all. Enlightenment simply means walking beyond this and all worlds into nirvana, which is beyond knowledge and ignorance.