The work that most people do in the world tends to deaden them, deadens their mind, uses up their energy and they get a paycheck and old age and not much energy. You get the check and they get your energy. That energy is translated into corporate dollars.
Most people want to make maximum money for minimum work, and that does not result in a happy life. Work does not become an active force to advance your awareness into higher states.
People who work to bring about perfection see work as an extension of themselves. The point is to do a good job. That will empower you. To do a poor job will make you weaker.
Two people can be work at the same job, side by side. One person is working just for a paycheck. Another is working to perfect their being. Some people think that the material world will make them happy.
If you are smart, you never retire. You may retire from that job you have had for many years, but you will pick up another career for yourself of some type.
There are some careers that will develop your mind more than others. In the study of enlightenment, it is most important to develop your mind and your body.
Pick a profession that will give you enough money to give you economic freedom. It is nice to pick a career that really taxes your mind. Use your mind in new and creative ways. You will find that your mind will develop and become stronger.
If you seek to develop the mind fully, for the enlightenment process, you will benefit if your career is related to computer science, law, medicine, or the arts.
The study of law, medicine and the arts, in each of these instances, the developed mindset is very helpful to one who is practicing meditation.
In the Atlantean civilization, law existed to create order, that is to say, to see justice was done. In the old way, the law was equal for all, not the strong win and the weak lose.
Atlantean medicine was evolved to heal, since healing is oneness.
In the creative arts you draw a special power. The discipline required is awesome to be an actor or an actress, to be really good, not just another one waiting tables.
We've done this before in other worlds, in other lives. It is our strength, law, medicine, entertainment, and computers, the networking of energy. All of these are arts.