The experience of going to the other side to nirvana clarifies and simplifies your view of all things. You see the world with greater clarity, because it is not obscured by illusions.
The comedies, the tragedies we see played out on this earth before us, don't last. But we are eternal spirits. These events will come and go, but the planes of light and nirvana will always be there.
Something in you wants to go beyond, wants to be free from this endless round of perception. Enlightenment is that.
Outside of nirvana, the planes begin, the subtlest planes of light that vibrate fastest, all the way on down through the astral realms through the physical and so on.
The experience of light in a very pure form always creates happiness. The experience of desire and aversion tends to create unhappiness.
Universes collide and conjoin inside us and beyond all is nirvana, the final, absolute resting place of the soul.
Who has that perfect faith and trust? Only such a person with that faith and trust can be enlightened.
We are all incarnate Buddhas. We just have not realized it deeply. We have not moved the mind - what our friend Don Juan calls the assemblage point.
One day liberation will come, and it won't be a day; it won't be a year; it won't be a time, a place or a condition. It will be immortality reflecting through you. What will you do then?
When there is time, there has to be suffering. Because in time there's desire and attachment and transition. This is the world of experience.
Suffering follows the lack of wisdom.
Human beings are not so in harmony with the dharma. That is why they suffer so much. But you as an individual can reach a plane of attention and can become attention itself.
The wheel goes round and round and round forever. Pleasure, pain, birth and death, lifetime after lifetime, it is endless. All sentient beings experience this, the endless dance of life, the lila.
When all of the selves have been dissolved, you will enter into the super-conscious awareness. Then, you are free. Then, there is no suffering. Then, there is no attachment.
The life of an unenlightened person is filled with suffering.
You are going to die. Your physical body will disintegrate. You cannot help that.
You have but a short time to live in this world. As you age, you will experience the pains of aging. If your hopes and joys rest upon the body, then you will suffer greatly.
If you are the body, you are in terrible trouble! One small microbe will destroy it one day, if not an accident. You have but a short time to live in this world.
The world is futile when viewed through the persona of the body. The body is not simply the physical body but it's the body of knowledge of this world.
If you wake up for a moment and look around at life, you will observe that nothing here lasts, nothing works out. There are no happy endings. All accomplishments are washed away by death or by the next moment.
No one cares about you. No one cares. You will die and be forgotten.
There is nothing wrong with the world of physicality. There is nothing wrong with existence. It's perfect ... but it's terribly transient.
There is suffering and there is joy. Your life is very short, and then you're back again for another and another, forever, unless you step off the wheel.
At the moment you're suffering from what we call Maya. Maya is illusion. Maya is a Sanskrit word that suggests that we have forgotten. We've forgotten the purpose of life.
Unlike the experience of nirvana, traveling to other dimensions will not take you beyond suffering, nor will it help you experience the limitless ecstasy of creation.