A life that most people will never even know about can be yours in this study, but only if you approach it with equanimity, poise, grace, balance, and professionalism.
Just as the DNA is a structure of double helical bonds, so your being is a structure of elements, not physical elements, but awarenesses that have come together in a ring of power.
You don't really have a choice. You are alive and you will die.
There is an art, a science to gaining power. There is a natural force or inclination in all of our beings to accumulate power. The problem that we come into is conditioning.
The important thing to remember is to follow the path of light. As the fictional character Yoda, from Star Wars, correctly pointed out, once you start down the dark path to power, it's very difficult to leave that path.
There is always going to be pain. There is always going to be pleasure. But what is not always going to be there is balance, happiness. That is a personal decision.
I saw more truth and sensitivity in art than I did in many of the people in this world.
I was very drawn to music of all types, from Beethoven to Jimi Hendrix. There were musicians and composers who obviously were expressing a vision that was beyond the mundane.
Tantra is the perception of the oneness and the perfection of all things. Not just the perception of light, but the perception of darkness, seeing God in both beauty and horror.
Psychic beings are childlike, delicate and easily destroyed.
Towards the end of your meditation session, or when you feel your meditation is deep, chant "Kring" seven times. Repeat it with sharp intensity, without elongating the syllables.
Women vibrate at a slightly different rate that passes kundalini very easily. It is problematic though, because a woman also picks up negative energy, it affects her more.
Anyone who seeks enlightenment is going to encounter opposition, whether it is from their society or from non-physical forces or friends or whatever it is. Be strong enough to go through that and win.
Some people are drawn to meditation without knowing why. Their inner being realizes that they've totally fouled up their life so far, and now it's just going to drag them to the local meditation hall.
A saint is someone who has been very selfless and, over a period of lifetimes, generated a tremendous amount of good karma, which has caused them to enter into very lovely states of mind.
Then on the other piece of paper, list all the people you know who are taking more than they're adding. Include people from the past.
Step one in overcoming fears is to make a fear list. Make a list of all the things that you are afraid of. Start out with the small fears and conquer them.
This particular world is not really a world, it's a perception that you are having at the moment.
The universe is made up of vibrating, pulsing light. When our attention level drops, we don't see that. Instead we see what appears to be a solid material world.
We perceive the solidification as the world around us, which appears to be relatively solid. But that solidification is just really a reflection of the solidification of one's sense of self.
The universe is made up of an endless ocean of life itself. It is an endless ocean of itself. And for a time it binds itself together in particularized forms. Those forms have perception and they perceive themselves as being separate.
It is quite possible to speed up the healing process to the part of the body that is injured. This all has to do with the release of chi.
It is your causal body that is the real you. At the end of each incarnation, it carries the knowledge and karmic patterns of that lifetime, in addition to all of your other previous lifetimes, into your next lifetime.
If you do well within this life, that awareness will be held within the causal structure, the part of us that lives from one lifetime to another. It will be available to you in your next life and in future lives.
Any of the exercises that you start out with will get the kundalini moving. You don't have to stay with them for the entire period of meditation.