What does God really look like stripped naked? That's the province of enlightenment...the formless, perfect face of existence.
You are on a vast wheel of birth and death. You have been through thousands of lifetimes, thousands yet to come.
Sometimes we can't do anything about our social condition, but we can do something about our condition of light.
Physical circumstance will not cause happiness. Or if it does, there is the fear of loss. Now you are a slave to it. You have become bound to it.
There was a time when you came forth from infinity, your essence that is. You've always existed, and you'll always exist. But there are different states of mind in the universe.
There are many paths that lead to enlightenment. There are lesser enlightenments along the way to a larger enlightenment, referred to sometimes as liberation.
There are dark forces in the world that would have you believe that you can't succeed and that you're a failure and that you're evil and all this nonsense.
You're standing in a closet, and you've been in it so long that you can't remember that there's anything else, that there's a huge house with lots of rooms and there are lands outside the house and planets and universes and creations
Even sickness becomes an experience that we pass through in happiness because our happiness is not dependent upon how our body feels, but how our spirit feels.
Life should be continually brighter. We are continually seeking our own innocence. We want to recapture it for eternity. It's in there, but we lose touch with it.
It is always easier to capture eternity in the falling snow or along the coast where the waves crash and in solitary and lonely places. It is the quiet places where it is easiest to feel eternity.
Life is perfect, it glows.
As you gain control of the mind, you gain control of life and you gain control of your time. It all works together.
If you are trying to aid people in the process of self-discovery, what you have to do is confound them with so many concepts that are contradictory, yet each make complete sense in its own right.
Nobody can make you happy but yourself. Things occupy us, people occupy us, but they don't make us happy. If we are honest, what makes us happy is to experience spirit.
The abuse of power manifests with phony spiritual teachers and phony gurus who tell you how to run your life and what to wear and what to eat, all that sort of stuff. They abuse. People don't realize that, listen to them and ruin their lives.
A lot of people have this live or die attitude with mediation. It has to be all or nothing. I don't think it should be. It's a study that you follow for the rest of your life.
We are like an atomic structure. We've got a causal body that's linked together.
Be mindful, which is more of a passive meditation practice. It is passive when you are active. Then there is active meditation, when you are passive, sitting still.
The more lives you have, the harder it is to change, yet the stronger you are. It's a kind of funny dichotomy.
When I talk about subtle bodies, causal bodies and things like that, it is a good idea not to take it all completely literally. It cannot be put into words.
A very advanced master can glow so strongly that you see divine in them. You look into them and you see infinity constantly changing, evolving and radiating in new forms.
Dogs have fleas; people have each other. We are born to die. Life is a continuing tragic comedy. Everything and everyone we love suffers. Anybody who doesn't see that has not grown up and known life.
There is no end and there is no beginning. There is only eternity. Eternity can be warm. eternity can be cold and ruthless.
Just as the subtle physical body holds together the physical body, the causal body holds together the body of awareness.