This is the most exciting study there is. It is the only thing I know of in life that makes you feel consistently better, whether it's success or failure, whether they love you or hate you.
Psychic development makes you strong. It develops a common sense attitude in which you don't expose yourself to forces, people and situations that would drain you.
As you evolve and develop your psychic abilities, you will enter into perceptions of life, truth, beauty and you will gain a power to live your life in an intelligent, perceptive and strong way.
Why waste your time being around people who drag you down? You don't live forever, at least in this life.
People who are drawn to meditation have had lots of incarnation in the world of experience, and we know the score. We know that experience is great, but it's not enough.
You have probably had past lives where you were in better stages of mind than you are in now.
You don't have to meditate. You don't have to practice self-discovery and Buddhism. You should only practice self-discovery if you really have had it with the human world.
Maybe you don't need to do this. Maybe this isn't your moment. But if you do feel the pull of the eternal, then you can't stay away from it.
We get so involved with the latest craze or having the latest car or the most high-powered house that we lose touch with that which makes us happy - what makes us happy are quiet states of mind.
Matter is fun for a while; but ultimately, it is the spiritual experience where we leap beyond what we know- that is the happiness.
What is perfection anyway in the physical? It is an idea we have. When it doesn't happen we get all bent out of shape and frustrated and angry and then unhappy, we take it out on everybody.
The spirit longs for the world of light from which it came. That longing causes something to happen. It causes the being to grow into light.
The way you increase your energy is by letting go, ultimately. There is something inside you that knows what it should do, and you fight it all the time.
What you need to learn are basic types of concentration, bringing more energy into your life, plugging up the holes where you lose energy, the basics of self-discovery.
Meditation essentially means having a great time. Some people have applied a sense or a feeling to the meditative experience, such that, meditation has become a quantifiable religious experience, which means it's not any fun!
Enlightenment is cumulative. You become a little more enlightened each day as you practice yoga and Buddhism.
Examine your experience of the incarnation so far and realistically add up the moments of happiness and unhappiness and you tell me, oh somewhat vaguely nobly born, you tell me, what has it been like for you?
Grow up. Get a life. Life is pain. Anybody who tells you something other than that is trying to sell you something.
Get real. Life is heavy. It's difficult. It's complex...even for the wise.
These truths may seem simple and self-apparent and the words easy to say, but the states of mind that you live in as you progress are beautiful beyond description.
All I have to teach you are feelings, the words don't matter much. But as you listen, feel the stillness of my mind, not my mind but of mind...infinite mind.
Enter into the activities of the world, without getting overjoyed by success or totally put out by failure. Whether they love you or hate you, it doesn't much matter. What matters is stillness.
Anyone who meditates for a period of time will gradually become more sensitized to all of life.
When you are in a painful situation, look at it. If you look deeply enough and you don't get freaked out, you will see that there is beauty in everything. You will see that there is beauty in you.
Gain control of the emotions. Be the helmsperson and not blown around by the winds of emotion. While there will be winds, you can navigate them or even use them to expedite your journey.