Karma is simply the law of cause and effect in action. All moments and occurrences are caused by other moments and occurrences that preceded them in an endless, causal chain.
There are physical karmas. They are reactions and results from actions. But those are bound to a particular lifetime.
Karma doesn't mean that everything works out justly.
Karma is not a cop-out. The esoteric meaning of karma is that you are who you are, because of what you have done and who you have been.
Karma indicates action, but not necessarily physical action; nor is karma a result in the sense of a reward.
It is good not to think of karma as an alien force that is outside of yourself. You are the generator of karma. Karma is the energy patterns that emanate from your life.
Good and bad karma are just ways of evaluating causal experience. What you do affects your attention field.
Karma means changing planes of reality or changing fields of attention. There will be perhaps a resulting physical action stemming from the change of these fields of attention.
Karma is not a receipt of a physical experience, because of what someone has done.
There is a popular conception about karma, and that is that as you sow, so shall you reap. That's only true if you're a farmer.
Karma simply means that whatever type of energy you project, or you allow to pass through your being, you will become for a period of time.
So, those who hate, those who are violent in nature, live in a world of hate and fear and violence inside themselves, inside their minds, inside their awareness.
Those who love and who have a sense of purity live in a very luminous band of awareness.
Your karma is the sum total of your awareness field. Your awareness field is comprised of all the experiences that you've had in this life and all other lives.
You are new at every moment. You are an extension of the previous moment of your awareness. You can radically change, if you unhook yourself from what you have been.
Karma means who you are and where your awareness field is on the band of perception.
Your states of mind do not occur randomly. They occur because of vibratory and karmic patterns.
Everything that you have done has led up to what you are now. Everything you do now will lead up to what you will be.
Karma is the sum total of who you are, everything you've been. The mind state you are in is karmic. Meaning, it's related by a causal chain of existences, of moments, of particles of timelessness.
I would suggest your awareness is your karma. How you feel generates your level of attention.
The karma that is most interesting is the mental karma because ultimately it generates physical action.
When you cause something to happen it causes a shift in your awareness. Shifts in your awareness ultimately will result in a pattern shift in your life.
All states of mind have different views. On the higher plateau, opportunities will open to you because you can see them.
Karma will lead you to a larger more expansive happier view or a dinger darker view. That view will enable you to make choices and have experiences.
Karma is engendered by states of mind. If you are in a happy state of mind, that will engender one kind of karma. If you are in an unhappy state of mind, that will engender another kind of karma.