Opportunities, creative ideas or the lack of them, happiness, frustration, brilliance, talent, success and failure - all are determined by the state of mind that you're in.
Most persons spend their lives stuck in relatively low states of mind. In these states of mind their views of themselves and the world around them are often severely limited.
Through the study of Zen you can learn to move from lower to higher states of mind at will. Higher states of mind offer you a much more accurate picture of reality.
In advanced Zen a person comes to realize that the existence of things and their ability to perceive them correctly is completely dependent upon their state of mind.
Zen is the study of mind in all of its manifestations. The purpose of Zen is to be happy.
The sense of self is one of the obscurations that prevents us from seeing clearly, the idea that there is a self or that we are anyone in particular.
To have the illusion of selfhood simply means that when you look in the mirror, you see somebody.
If you are psychic you can perceive that someone may love you and they can't show it. Someone may seek to harm you and they mask it.
As a seer, I naturally can see the evolutionary potential of a being. But the potential will not necessarily be actualized. A particular being will not necessarily realize their full height.
The universe is a giant mind. Some people have the ability to tap into that mind, we call them psychic. Others don't, we call them dull ... but they have potential.
Psychic awareness leads to a true perception not only of events, but just of life itself. It is its own raison d'etre.
The psychic perception is a feeling as opposed to a thinking. Not a feeling that is engendered through emotion necessarily. It comes from the psychic plane of intuition, which is another stage of our mind.
The way to develop your psychic ability is by learning to create a shield between yourself and the sensorial and vibratory bombardment that we experience in the modern world.
In the psychic process we are trying to eliminate everyone else from our minds, their effects, their energies, their influences: "To thine own self be true and it must follow as the night the day, thou cans't be false to any man."
Build a shield between yourself and the descriptions of the world that everyone else has.
A continuous perception is taking place deep within the mind. It is hard to hear that signal because it is blurred over by your own thoughts, desires, and fears. It is blurred over by your emotional swings. You become dull.
At a university they had the freshman class make the same predictions that some of the well-known psychics do every year, and they found the freshman class did better
I think everyone is equally psychic. But through the practice of meditation, you learn to make your thoughts quiet and become more aware of your innate psychic abilities.
Everyone is psychic. Being psychic is not a particular talent. Everybody has a left foot. Some people may just walk with that foot, some people may drag it, and some may learn to dance with it.
There is something very fragile about the beginning stages of psychic development. Eventually, one becomes very strong and the cushioning isn't as necessary. It's still logical because we live in an abrasive world.
The tremendous population increase has made meditation and psychic perception, things that come naturally to spiritually evolved people, difficult to practice and participate in.
The psychic plane is clouded over by emotions and thoughts and the general dullness and malaise that develops in our contemporary world through the social conditioning that most individuals experience in the modern era.
If you have more personal power and you are in higher states of mind, then naturally you can see things and adhere to them or avoid them. Personal power is really the issue.
When I'm in the second attention, when I stop looking through eyes that have been formed for me by others, I see something else. I see power.
It is always wise, particularly in the beginning, to balance your new intuitive and psychic understandings with good old common sense. A good psychic perception follows your common sense.