Your mind is made up of light. We call it the dharmakaya, the clear light of reality. The transcendental eternal light is everywhere. It's the light of god or whatever you want to call it.
The Tibetan Buddhist realization is that mind does not have any particular qualities or attributes of its own. It's clear - clear light.
The white light is the joker in the deck. It creates transmutations that are completely unpredictable, which is what makes it fun, which is why it scares the hell out of most people.
Life reorders you when you go into the clear light. Even the causal structure is liquefied. The clear light of reality, the dharmakaya, changes us into beings of light.
Within the universe there is a pure light. It is a light that is beyond all darkness. It does not give way to anything. It is the light of existence, the dharmakaya.
Enlightenment is a timeless void. It's an emptiness that's filled with the most excellent light.
Keep your mind centered on that which leads to light, intensively. Accept no substitute.
As you go into light for longer and longer periods, as you progress in your meditation practice, you transform, you become illumined, you overcome all limitation, all sorrow, and all pain. You learn not to be bound by desire, and eventually you transcend death itself.
The miracle of enlightenment is that you take the self and let it dissolve in the white light of eternity.
I leaned from my friends in school. I had lots of friends; yet I was very indrawn.
I read a great deal, avoided the comapny of the children in school who seemed superfical, and fell in love with nature.
In high school I was drawn to the study of literature, poetry Shakespeare, contemporary fiction, drama, you name it - I read it.
I was attracted to poetry, which is perhaps the purest of the art forms, where love is the medium of exchange and the nobility of love is considered. It's a land of higher ideals.
In reading, in literature and poetry, I found an artistic freedom that I didn't see at Woolworth's. I would read everything from Shakespeare to science fiction ... sometimes a book a day.
Through high school, college, graduate school and beyond, I had a number of relationships that were wonderful.
I found growing up that love and sexuality was a wonderful way to understand existence. When we love it takes us beyond ourselves, otherwise we're just absorbed with the preoccupations that we invent.
I think I've learned more from women than anyone else, and perhaps from love. What a wonderful testing ground.
The women that I met were exceptional, extraordinary - tremendous purity, tremendous gentleness, self-giving and power.
For some reason, the women in my life have always been extremely powerful. I've learned a great deal from that. I've learned that we're all women when we're complete and we're all men.
Love was where I learned to go beyond myself, through the arts, through relationships, through sexuality.
In my adolescence, love, as I think for most of us, was a tremendous focus. I wanted to find the perfect partner. I did and married her.
I realized after being married for some time that it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough to lead an individual life where I loved on person and we created a world together.
I was very fortunate, and have always been, that the women I met and fell in love with were exceptional, from my first girlfriend to the woman I married when I was 21, to all the remarkable women I have known as either friends or lovers.
I explored alternate states of consciousness at one period of my life through psychedelics, as was the fashion with all my friends.
It was a time period in the 1960, when a generation of souls looked at the established society, looked at the pettiness, the greed, the hate, and rejected it and tried to create something new. Their creation neither succeeded nor failed. It was another experience.