Nothing is here in this world that is of any interest at all.
Human beings affix themselves to things that are of little or no importance. They affix themselves to the transitory, to things that are impermanent, and in doing so, they get all upset
A human being is bound by emotion, enslaved by their desires. A person is never really at peace with themselves because they live in the spectrum of human consciousness.
Life for most people is a bad dream. They live in pain, grabbing at what they can for pleasure. As they grow old, they despair. Things don't work out the way you planned.
In this lifetime you can lose everything. Everything passes here.
Life is just masturbation in a sense, mentally. What people do is they just create a world out of their self-reflection.
The time we waste never comes again. The opportunities we miss never come again. The loves we lose never come again. Indeed, in this world of constant change we are fortunate that these things never come again.
You're in a world of diversity. You see things through a glass darkly. There is a separation everywhere.
We wait for the fulfillment of our desires. We wait with hope, apathy, resignation, belief. We become despondent, elated. We wait
Most people exist in very clouded states of mind. It's sort of like when you're underwater in a big swimming pool and you open your eyes, and you can't see very far and everything is distorted.
People are so tired. The world is set up to exhaust you and drain you. That's how humankind has devised their world. Life is not necessarily that way
Without enlightenment, everything in life is harsh. Sooner or later you see everyone you love die, unless you die first, of course. This causes you to suffer.
Happiness is not freedom. You may become happy tomorrow; but I assure you, your happiness will be smashed by the pains of your body as you age, by the all-encompassing death that swallows up everything and everyone in this world.
Hell is everything. Heaven is nothing.
Anything but enlightenment is pure pain; it is the lack of enlightenment. There are joys, of course, and they should be enjoyed. There are sorrows, and they should be passed over briefly.
As spirits we have always existed in a generalized form, since we are all part of the universe. As individual spirits, we have existed for a timeless time.
Reincarnation is the journey of hope because in each lifetime we move forward to place a better than our last lifetime, a place within ourselves.
All the lives we ever lead are only dreams, these walking moments, that look so solid to you when you consider yourself awake, are just dreams.
This is just one little lifetime in a succession of lifetimes.
What goes on in this one little lifetime is not so important as you might like to think it is because you're in it. When you can see the larger picture, it's just a tiny breath in a succession of breaths.
Reincarnation is a hopeful understanding of life. It is an accurate understanding of life. In each lifetime we grow, develop and evolve.
Reincarnation is not something that occurs at death; it is something that takes place at every moment. Death and rebirth are occurring every second.
You can get so caught up in learning all about reincarnation, you can get so caught up in learning about structures, fascinating though they may be, that you're not free; you're just studying a different textbook.
You can summon up power from past lives and bring them into this life. That can give you a boost into the next state of mind or further up.
There are future lives. It is not necessary to cram everything into this lifetime. You can enjoy this lifetime, go with the flow, and know it will lead you to a better life in your next incarnation.