If you focus on another person you take their energy in your body completely.
If you allow people, places and things, to pass through your mind during meditation, you will pull in all those other auras and you be much more confused and dissociated than you were prior to your meditation experience.
If you start picking up other people's impressions while you are meditating, then instead of clearing yourself, you are just going to completely glom yourself up to the point where there is no meditation.
When your mind drifts away from one of the secret meditation techniques, do not become upset or frustrated. Gently move your mind back to the technique you were practicing and begin again.
People focus on things that vibrate very slowly during meditation and because they are so open they make themselves really sick, psychically.
Be neither attracted nor repulsed. You are watching a movie. If the visions are beautiful or horrible, Don't get caught up in them. Enjoy your popcorn.
When you meditate your body shouldn't move. Some people get into this kundalini sway business. Your body shouldn't move.
How do you deal with meditating when you stop breathing? The trick is to meditate just a little higher and you won't even know that you're not breathing.
To meditate what you need to do is free yourself from your ideas and your thoughts. All of the higher dimensional planes, the higher realities, the infinite cosmos itself is beyond thought.
Meditating everyday is essential. If you meditate every day and learn to control and stop your thoughts, you will become psychic.
The practice of mindfulness is monitoring your mind all day and all night. It's enjoyable to just remove things that make you unhappy from your mind, to clarify your emotions.
Mindfulness is passive meditation. It is passive because your energy and your attention are divided between your actions and your practice, your meditation.
Mindfulness means that as we go through the day we learn to gain control of our mind, our emotions. We learn to conserve energy in a variety of simple and complicated ways that we learned in Buddhist practice.
Mindfulness is when you are engaged in activities but the mind is set into the meditative state all the time. Meditation is to be aware of many different levels. It's not just the absence of thought.
If you want to experience the unalloyed ecstasy of life, you can accomplish this through the twin Buddhist practices of meditation and mindfulness.
Any area you slough off in your life will reflect in your meditation. Be happy when you could be depressed. Push jealous, fear, and anger out of your mind. Don't feel sorry for yourself.
We are trying to do our best to bring perfection into whatever we turn our attention to.
Why do everything perfectly? Isn't perfection just an illusion? Tell me if it's an illusion if they don't fix your car perfectly next time you bring it in.
You can just sweep the floor generally and gain nothing from it. Or you can figure out the best way to sweep the floor, put your power into it, use it as a concentration exercise, and be meditative.
If you are just spaced out and you have no purpose in life, you pick everything up. Everybody else's thoughts will come into your mind, everyone else's desires.
It doesn't matter what your work really is. It is exciting to do well at something. It empowers you.
Personal power, knowledge and fun come from how you approach something, not what you approach.
Sitting around idly contemplating doesn't produce much. In work you can discipline your attention, forget about your misery.
If President Bush does a lousy job, then he'll lose power. If the guy at McDonalds who's selling burgers does a great job, then he'll be much more powerful than President Bush.
There comes a time in life when you just buckle down and have a good time with what you're doing. It doesn't matter much what you're doing. What matters is how you do it.