If one is enlightened, one does not perceive life with North, South, East and West. There is no California, there is no New York. In a higher bonding state of attention, everything is fluid light.
Enlightenment just means that you don't have a structural self. It means you've flipped through the gradated realities. Nothing binds, nothing clings to you. You're unaffected by everything.
Enlightenment is not a finite state. It's not something that you just do and it's done. It goes on forever.
Buddhists don't feel that enlightenment is particularly unusual. We feel that it's the natural state. Enlightenment simply means perceiving life directly as it is in all of its infinite, ever changing wonder, in all of its varied, myriad states of mind or as pari-nirvana, or whatever.
Be enlightened for you, just for you. No one else knows or cares. They crucified Christ, you know. They don't take real well, on this planet, to the people who see things differently.
The world of enlightenment doesn't know of its own existence. We're beyond both the knower and known. There's no conceptual identity whatsoever.
Nirvana's not like anything you've ever known or experienced because it can't be known or experienced.
Most teachers are not enlightened. Very few are. That doesn't mean they are not great teachers.
The ultimate horror movie for a really un-illuminated being is an enlightened person. They are scared of others seeing what they are all about and what they really do. They are scared of truth.
When you meditate with an enlightened teacher, you will feel something from them. They just dissolve completely, absorption in nirvana, where they don't even have physical contact with this world anymore.
An enlightened person is not in touch with all the ten thousand states of mind simultaneously always. It would be very hard to go shopping let alone drive the car.
An enlightened person is someone who shifts from one plateau of knowledge to another.
There is obstruction. Enlightenment is not very popular in this world. History tells us that enlightened teachers who made themselves largely available to human beings had problems.
Enlightened people live in very charged states of attention, with a tremendous power circuiting through them.
Many enlightened persons are never very well known. Many are reclusive. They live in little villages in India or up in the high Himalayas in Tibet. Some have no students at all. Some have a few.
Once in a while an enlightened teacher goes out into the world and spreads the dharma. They attract some attention, and it is a great spectacle to see who and why and what is drawn.
Nonphysical beings are drawn to enlightened beings. Some come to aid them in there work; some come to interfere. Some just come to watch. Enlightenment is rare in this world.
The enlightened being can look through states of mind, but they are also outside of them.
The teacher will be moving through thousands of states of mind and sometimes beyond mind. While you are with the teacher, be sensitive to that. Without being flaky and devotional, develop respect for the teacher, just as the teacher respects you.
Hold a positive thought of an enlightened person in your mind. When that thought touches their aura, it comes back quickly with a positive lift. You will go up.
If you have done your homework, then the slightest motion from the teacher can cause you to spin into hundreds of different states of mind. That can only happen for the prepared individual.
An enlightened person has real power and when they think a good thought, the tremendous power of attention causes their students to actually lift up into those states. It brings a power into their lives.
People who are enlightened in previous lifetimes have a certain degree of difficulty in regaining their enlightenment. Sometimes it comes in childhood. Sometimes it takes many years to reintegrate the personality structure that they gained when they first entered into this world.
An enlightened teacher has so much power that when they meditate, a tremendous aura builds up around them. The aura will open up your aura and increase it. You will move into a higher plane of knowledge. You will gain a new view of the world.
An enlightened teacher is able to put a tremendous amount of power through a person who seeks knowledge and escalates the evolution of the individual.