The person who helps you is the person who aids you in becoming independent and strong. Good teachers don't answer your questions, they ask you questions.
Only the completely enlightened are beyond winning and losing. Yet, strangely enough, they had to win to get to the point of being beyond winning and losing.
An enlightened person lives in the world, passes through the ten thousand states of mind, but they are not bound by them. They can go beyond perception.
It is important to monitor your mind constantly. This is particularly important if you are studying with an enlightened teacher, because you are absorbing tremendous power from the teacher.
People come to a teacher to learn self-discovery. A teacher who just wants to keep you on a string forever, the god-guru concept, a teacher like that is very abusive. Those people are actually usually taking their students energy.
If you meditate with a teacher who is enlightened, you can ride with them into stages of mind that are perhaps not available to you at this time.
The role of the teacher is to make sure that the practice is pure. By guiding the student, you make sure that they are really going into the planes of light and not fooling themselves.
A teacher can show you the ways. But no one can do it for you. You have to take what you learn from them and go out and live it. You have to change your life.
I think it is best to let the experience you have with a teacher direct itself, Instead of trying to make the experience into what you might like it to be. Leave it alone!
It is incumbent upon the student to go to the teacher to learn.
Some teachers are extremely inaccessible. They feel their teachings are for very few so they make it intentionally hard to get to themselves.
Some teachers are very accessible. They advertise a great deal, they go out into the public. If they're advanced teachers, doubtlessly they are very inaccessible in terms of physical proximity.
A teacher will have an initial contact at some point with someone. It happens inwardly first. Before you ever meet an advanced teacher, they have somehow traveled inwardly along the astral planes.
An enlightened teacher teaches you how to gain power. They give you power. They teach you how to shape it so that it becomes an instrument of beauty and not an instrument of unhappiness.
Most teachers of self-discovery have two types of students. They have students they deal with in a more exoteric way than the esoteric students. Esoteric truths are presented to usually a smaller group of students.
With a teacher it is necessary to be sensitive to their directions; most of the time they won't say much. You have to be still and silent to understand.
You must discriminate between those who claim to help you and only want to manipulate you and those who are free, who never manipulate.
It is not the responsibility of the enlightened teacher to bring the student to enlightenment. That may be true in the classroom, but in the world of enlightenment you have to find it, enter into it.
A teacher is really invaluable. A teacher will instruct you in how to stabilize your energy field, increase it, and decrease the loss of energy in your life and how to be balanced, wise, and funny.
An enlightened being comes into the world because they can help. They are off the wheel. They will experience different states of mind. They will suffer. They will know joy. But ultimately, they are free of all that.
To see someone manifest all the astral lights, to be surrounded by light, to have light emanating from their body, pulsing waves of gold light - this is the miracle of enlightenment.
Miracles have a purpose. Miracles help people believe in enlightenment. The real miracle is the transformation of consciousness from limitation and pain to enlightenment and ecstasy.
No one can bring you into higher states of attention permanently. I can take an individual and i can change their awareness. That's easy. But how long will it last?
There are some teachers who just perform miracles. They can manifest things from the other world into this world. They have siddha powers. They are not necessarily enlightened.
There is no such thing as a miracle. A miracle is just what somebody else doesn't understand. If we went back into the Stone Age and we lit a match, they'd say, "Ahh miracla, miracla!"