More men will continue to attain enlightenment than women, unless women change their use of the second attention.
You have developed the second attention much more than you realize and you use it more than you realize as a woman. That's why I feel women can attain enlightenment more easily than men.
If you seek to change your life and attain enlightenment, you must deal with these questions. If there is no truth in this, then ignore these silly words.
We call someone a saint in a world in which everyone is abnormal. The normal person becomes extraordinary. But there's nothing extraordinary about being a saint, that's just someone who's somewhat online with life.
Christianity is a marketable product. It has very little to do with Jesus Christ. I'm sure it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ at all - what the experience was like to be around the guy.
Christmas time - an Enlightened Teacher came into the world, taught, and died. His message was simple: Forgive. While the human beings of this planet have still not absorbed this simple Truth, it remains the Truth.
God is within your mind. God is within all things. As a matter of fact, there is nothing that is not God.
Everything is God. Everything is light. It is only when we live in illusions, when there are shadows in our mind that we are afraid.
All the eyes of God are looking through all the stars, or looking at the stars through our eyes. There's only the eye of God everywhere, seeing and being in perfection always.
We forget about the space between the stars, the pure and perfect space that's also the eye of God. To penetrate the mystery is to become the mystery; to penetrate infinity is to become infinity; to penetrate light is to become light.
We walk upon the grace of god. Nothing else exists except that.
Life is an endless experience of God's. God doesn't even exist in nirvana, yet God exists in all other realms.
Power is the ability to translate, that is, to shift from one level of attention to another.
The universe is a matrix. It's a doorway into itself. But that doorway remains invisible if you don't have enough energy flowing through you.
We are power. But these are only words if you don't have the personal power to unlock the gates of immortality and of mortality.
Power is everywhere when you can see it and find it. It is nowhere when you can't.
Power itself is simply a word to describe attention, awareness, which embodies all things.
The American Indians, the ancient Indians would say, the metaphysical ones would say: "Power binds us together." Power, for a while, makes us what we are, perceivers, luminous perceivers of reality.
Perception is made up of bands.
Power is the thing that holds a band of perception together, and a band of perception is life for those who perceive in that band. If the band of perception were to go away, they would not exist.
Power is the band that we perceive things on. In radio we have stations. Frequencies vibrate at certain rates and within those frequencies we transmit information and receive information.
Power is what is required to change the universe - to change yourself into what you might like to be.
Does power bring happiness? Does it bring refinement? Does it bring humor? Does it bring a good-heartedness, or is it just cold? Power is never cold. Cold people may use power in cold ways.
Power doesn't create happiness or unhappiness. It depends how you use it. Wisdom is the guiding force that directs happiness.
Power is the big obstacle, or one of them, that you have to overcome and learn to deal with effectively before you can reach enlightenment.