Consciousness is the screen. The images on the screen are your perceptions, the illusion that life is solid, that there is a material universe.
There is no material universe. There is no reality. All that exists are images.
These questions can only be answered in absorption, because there are no answers.
Answers can suit the relative mind. In the dream we can be thirsty. But upon awaking from the dream, there's no thirst.
All questions about the Self, fall away in the white light of eternity, in nirvana, because then we have awakened from the dream.
The finite forms have fallen away and we have become God.
So when we wake from the ignorance of this world, the dream of existence, all of the experiences that we have ever had fall away. The ideas of life and death, of rebirth, of reincarnation, karma, God, truth, knowledge - all these things fall away.
While we're in the dream, these are useful notions.
While all the things you believe and know exist in their own right, they're ways of looking at existence, but existence is infinite - it's beyond all ways of looking.
All the concepts, all knowings, all truths, all religous systems, all beliefs, fall away in the white light of eternity.
The dream appears to be real. It does really seem we are here in this world; but this is not so.
At the end of the dream, on the other side of the rainbow, there's only light.
In that undifferentiated reality of the Self there is eternal bliss. All the phantoms of existence fade away.
In deep meditation, all of the things that we call life, all of the combinations of experiences, fall away.
Once we erase ourselves, then there's no eraser. There never was anyone to erase. We've awakened from the dream and the dream has faded.
In the white light of eternity, there is only eternity.
Discrimination involves reflection and absorption.
The path of knowledge is said to be difficult in that it is the path of Samadhi.
The yoga of discrimination is only practiced once you have started to go into Samadhi.
In India and other places, there are people who fool themsleves. They walk around all day saying, "Who am I? Who am I?"
It is impossible to know who you are until you enter into Samadhi.
Samadhi is the absorption of God. There's no sense of time, place or condition.
Samadhi is the actual awareness of what you really are.
It is only in Samadhi that you'll begin to get an inkling of who you are; and finally, it is only in nirvana that this perfect truth will become clear.
There won't be emptiness. Emptiness is just another idea, another illusion.