A great deal of humility is necessary in the process of self-discovery. Humility is the ability to accept what and who you are at this moment.
People you are emotionally open to can drain your power level or raise it tremendously, depending on what their intentions are.
You will always see, if this group is a highly evolved group or on the way up, a movement towards oneness.
Purity is light. Not just an ordinary light, but a transcendental light.
Purity is something that comes from another world. It's a radiance that enters into this world of transformation and change.
Purity is very fragile when it takes physical manifestation. It is very, very strong in its original aspect.
Purity is the ability to see dharma in its manifold forms in any plane or loka.
In deep meditation we see nothing but purity.
In order to go beyond ideas to direct realization, it's essential to have a great deal of purity.
Unless you have a great deal of purity, it's difficult to retain the higher light.
Greed, fear, lust, hate, jealousy, these are part of reality too ... bundles of consciousness wrapped tightly, barbs on which you can injure yourself, volatile energies that serve as separations between yourself and perfect stillness.
Purity means lack of hatred, jealousy, fear, greed and lust - the absence of anything that can stain consciousness.
Very few people are conscious of the deeper strata of eternity. The primary reason is either because they lack purity or they lack motivation.
There is only one prayer and that is prayer for light, for purity, for perfection.
Your life will be joyful and complete when you have a pure heart and your motives are unsullied.
To think that fulfilling yourself in this world will create eternal fulfillment is absurd. But we feel this way because we lack purity.
Seek to advance your fortunes in this world. Set up a strong base so that you can practice your spirituality and be of service to others. This is purity to.
As you learn to accept that the body is transitory, as you watch it with love, but without attachment, the body will develop purity.
As you become more conscious of your body as eternity, a sense of ease, a fullness beyond description occurs.
Avoid the company of the wicked, those who would do injury to you or to others. Like a disease their energy is something you can catch.
Your own nature is pure, spotless, and pristine. Through association we drag ourselves down or we can raise ourselves up.
To become pure is not difficult. Make the choices that will lead you to freedom and liberation - not enslavement to the wills, actions and desires of others.
Use your mind to discriminate. Choose to advance yourself, to bring more purity into your being.
Purity is something that can be consciously developed. Expect to have impure moments, thoughts, and ideas. One day they will go away, and then there will be happiness.
Become conscious of what you think during the day. A negative thought will enter you. At first it will be vague, innocuous, but then it will root in your consciousness and soon it will be impossible to eradicate.