It wasn't until after living in California for many years that I realized that you don't believe what anybody says, ever. Whatever they say, they're just making a movie - they just like the way they sound.
There's this cave and all humanity is in it and there's this terribly bright light at the other end and everybody's afraid of it.
I'm not suggesting that everyone should meditate, far from it. Meditation is for very few individuals. I'm speaking of something that is a powerful experience.
The primary energy that is active in all things is kundalini. Kundalini energy is the energy of awareness. It can be used to modify awareness.
Chakras really are dimensions. We think of them as objects, but they're not really. They're dimensional access points, whereby we can enter into different levels of mind, and that happens automatically.
Mindfulness is paying attention to what is going on. Just look at beauty. Not just the beauty of things you see with your eyes, but beautiful feelings, beautiful awareness. There is no such thing as reality. Reality is what you make it.
Someone who really wants to discover themselves has to be particularly careful about the use and abuse of power. But even your average human being just passing through another life has to be careful.
The abuse of power takes happiness away.
Humility means you're willing to give someone a bigger slice of the pie.
The ghetto is not where you live. The ghetto is inside your mind. And anyone who tells you that you can't get out of the ghettos of your own mind has no idea what they're talking about.
A strong onslaught of the nagual would upset your balance completely.
Material success is a way of tightening up your life so that you can move into higher planes of attention. You should try to do well in every aspect of your life, because each aspect of your life affects your total being.
I used to live in Seattle, as did Jimi Hendrix and Bruce Lee. I lived near the arboretum. Very often I would take walks late at night by Lake Washington, because I found it very easy to meditate there.
If you think you are a vile slime, that means that you aspire to something higher...It's because you have a sense of perfection, and you obviously want that, that you find something wrong.
The trick in life is to find out where you belong. Once you find out where you belong, you will be happy there.
If we view the universe as other than what we are, we are everything we don't perceive.
We don't always walk from one state of mind into another. We might just oscillate back and forth for a whole lifetime within the polarities of a certain state of mind.
Never think too much of yourself. Realize you are only an instrument of eternity. Do not get stuck in that terrible trap. You can lose everything.
They too wonder about the nature of existence, where they've come from and where they're going to and how much time they have.
Souls have different journeys. The best thing to know is, not what everybody else does, but what you do. Self-discovery essentially is finding your own dharma, your own rhythm.
There is something beyond power. The totality of one's being. Some call it nirvana. We have a higher destiny. Before you can scratch the surface, you have to bring your life into order.
Meditation is a process in which we're essentially, at first, breathing out. We're exhaling existence, taking it out of the mind, and the mind out of the mind.
This moment there is all that will ever be or has ever been. All the events of all of our lives are going-on simultaneously. There is no beginning and there is no ending. There's only this moment.
As the kundalini rises, the knowledge and powers of those dimensions will begin to come to you.
You are complete. Completion has taken place in you eons ago. Accept yourself. Enjoy yourself. This time will never be again, so fulfill the moment with your own self-joy.