I can't give you happiness. I can show you where it is, but I can't give it to you. How can I give you what you already have? You have to get it yourself, inside your mind.
Loneliness is a feeling that is created by our ego. The ego feels separate from the rest of creation. The answer to overcoming those feelings is ecstasy.
You want to be happy; of course, that isn't how you get to be happy; because if you want to be happy, you are going to be sitting around being unhappy because you're not happy.
You don't have to do anything to be happy, nor do you have to avoid anything. Happiness comes from within your mind. Happiness already exists.
My god, life is beautiful! Look at the colors! if you are blind, look at the colors of your mind.
Happiness is in the mind and the mind is the universe. Your mind is the universe, not just this physical universe that you perceive through your senses.
Happiness will come through the practice of yoga and Buddhism, that happiness is not something you will lose at the end of this lifetime. It will stay with you.
Forgiveness is the best revenge.
Happiness is not dependent on experience. What you experience shouldn't make you happy or unhappy when you know how to be happy.
Happiness is not the same as pleasure. Pleasure is an immediate experience, very transient in nature, that's enjoyable, and if we experience a great deal of it - there's a sense of satiation.
Sometimes it is hard to see in life. If the fog rolls in we can't see anything. Most people get caught up in life that they forget the purpose of life is to be happy.
Unhappiness is really an incorrect way of seeing. When we are unhappy we don't see life as it really is. We are in a condition of veiled light, of shadows.
Consistency is nice, I think, personally. I like to be consistently happy. I like to be consistently more aware and more conscious of the truth.
Discrimination means keeping the negative and unhappy thoughts away and allowing the pretty thoughts to come inside you.
You must constantly check that you are meditating properly, and not become, what Clint Eastwood refers to as, "a legend in your own mind."
Don't just sit there. Go do something and don't expect that it's going to be fun unless you make it fun. You have got to work on things. That is when you are happy.
Happiness is something that you don't postpone. If you are postponing happiness - it is something you will probably never experience much of.
The worst thing you can do is to sit and brood and feel sorry for yourself. Nor should you feel wrong about doing this, since all of us do from time to time.
The nuns taught me that the best thing you can do in life when things get difficult is to work.
To occupy yourself with tasks that are useful to yourself and others, you can get your mind off your problems.
Take a yoga class, study different forms of self-discovery. Some people are crazy and fanatical, avoid them. People who are balanced and calm and introspective, associating with them will raise your energy level.
Walk in nature. Take the time to be still. Practicing arts, arranging flowers, doing some drawing, working on a computer, brings a sense of stillness into your life.
Find things that make you feel still, that make you feel good.
Happiness is everything in the whole universe. It's a state of mind. Your whole life is a state of mind. So be happy, why not?
Forget that you are anybody and just perform the activities around you. Look at them. Watch what you are doing, my God! Life is right in front of you, and it's great.