No one sees life like you do, because you are no one. You change constantly, like the light outside the window.
When we are very young children we know how to feel. It's innate. But as we lead a lifetime, we pick up so many thoughts, impressions, feelings, and ideas, that our sensitivity goes away.
When we open our heart up to someone, that energy, of course, comes into us.
Everyone feels some jealousy, some anger, and some hostility. Don't feel guilty. But to allow them to become dominant expressions of your way of life is off the wall.
Self-acceptance is involved in this process. You have got to be able to look at both your dark and your light side and not get enamored or depressed by either.
Occupy yourself with what's in your life now. Address those situations and subjects as fully as possible with your best efforts. That is what produces happiness and clarity and knowledge and power.
The average person just sees through their senses. The world is filled with wonderful mysteries and beauty. You need personal power to open up all of that, without it - these are just words.
It is the quick path. We turn everything inside out and upside down - which is when it gets straightened out very neatly and in an orderly fashion.
There is a certain degree of pain to be experienced in the search for self-knowledge, as there is a certain amount of joy. You just do it because you find yourself doing it. There just doesn't seem to be much else worthwhile.
When you live in a psychic state of mind, you are happy. You don't have to do anything. Life is always beautiful, but we don't see it when we enter into lower states of mind that are, in effect, cloudy.
Words are deceptive. You think you understand something because it's explained to you and now you are under no obligation to do anything because you understand it.
The purpose of all of this is not to walk around with new vocabulary words, but to cause you to speculate on the marvel of your own being.
In the study of consciousness you cannot explain anything verbally. You can only allude to, point in a general direction of.
They get you when you're young. When you are a kid, you are conditioned. You are taught language, customs, and right and wrong. You are filled with fears. This conditioning interferes with your psychic perception.
As a sensitive person around other people, you feel their desires, you feel their angers, and you feel their frustrations. You begin to believe that these desires, angers, and frustrations are yours.
All the billions of people who now inhabit our planet are putting a terrific strain on its aura, making it difficult, even for evolved people to become aware of their past-life knowledge and talents.
You can be locked away in prison and be free if your mind is not a prison. Or you can be walking around with lots of credit cards and be in a prison, the prison of your own mind, the prison of your illusions.
I understand your higher and lower tendencies. There is something beyond all of this nonsense. There is a wonderful glitter that you can follow in life.
Most people put the cart before the horse, which is an interesting way to go through life. They approach everything directly. In Zen we approach everything backwards or inside out.
If you are a person who wants an uncommonly fine life, if you're willing to put in some time each day to do that, then that will happen to you.
How do you develop your psychic abilities? Well, to begin with, naturally, you have to want to and believe that it is possible.
The possibilities for immortality are endless. Here you sit reading these words, a butterfly resting on a flower!
Life is beautiful all of the time. Just to be alive and perceive that beauty of life all around you and within you is the best that there is.
Life has no meaning. It doesn't need a meaning. A meaning is an arbitrary thought formulation that we affix to it because we are in the mood. Life is its own raison d'etre.
OK, you're alive. How aware are you, of anything? Can you see eternity? Do you live in the land of the perpetually happy?