In the soldier we see the love of country. When you are willing to go onto a battlefield and give your life to defend an ideal ... knowing that you may not live through day.
The soldier is willing to give their life, perhaps for someone they never even met in their country. That's a very high love.
It's always said that when one is a soldier who dies in battle, you go to a very high world. There's a great and good karma for the soldier who dies in battle because it's an extended selfless giving.
In the Bhagavad-Gita, a dialogue ensues in the middle of a battlefield, symbolizing the battlefield of life which we are fighting through our illusions.
Arjuna, who is the fearless waririor in the story is a very wordly indvidual, we assume with high past lives.
It's a civil war, and Arjuna knows a lot of people who are on the opposite side of the battlefield - they've been his friends.
Suddenly they have to face each other down - you've got to kill your friends.
Arjuna is a warrior of great renown, says he won't fight. He tells Krishna: I can't fight because I love these people. It's immoral. It's unjust. There's no winning.
Enlightenment is represented by Sri Krishna, who is said to be an avatar.
Krishna says, fight. He says, go out in the battlefield and kill those people whom it's your job to kill.
You human beings think that yoga is in some way going to make everything you want to happen, work out. You are going to be able to avoid what you don't want. That is not yoga. That is desire and aversion.
If we have a giant mansion and we don't keep it as well as that room, then our yoga isn't good and our attention field will be very poor and we won't have power, and we'll be totally hooked on the transient .
I have seen people who practice yoga and Buddhism who are scared to death of the sorcery powers of others. This is absurd.
A lot of people trash their subtle physical body with psychedelic drugs. While they do certainly give you experiences in altered levels of attention, you pay a price for it. They definitely screw up the subtle physical. Hatha Yoga can be good for that.