Love comes from ourselves, not from someone else.
Enjoy being with yourself, hanging out with yourself, doing things by yourself.
Love yourself even when you don't measure up to your own expectations. You have a certain idea of what you should do and what you should be - it's only a silly idea that passes through your mind.
If you don't measure up to your expectations, realize that you should just be life without expectations.
As long as you're running away from a part of yourself, you can't see immortality.
As long as you're too busy trying to become something that you're not, you can't see your own immortality.
Love all your different sides, only then will immortality come to you.
Try to have a more expanded sense of that which you are. Feel that you are eternity. There's only goodness. There's only light.
As your love grows, you will find that your attachment to this world will begin to fall away.
When we meditate with love we go very, very high , above thought, above form. Your love will cause you to have a union.
Once we harness ourselves to love, it carries us to eternity.
Love teaches you to love your own mortality, just as we love the flowers that bloom for a short time and pass on.
The secret of love is acceptance, acceptance of our finite self, of our life, our birth ... our death.
There will be a perfect flow of energy in whatever you choose to do, and there will be a grace and power present in all of your movements.
The message of love is self-acceptance in the smaller sense and self-acceptance in the large sense - the Self as eternity.
Love leads us to ourselves - this is the mystery of love.
In love we listen. We listen to what others say. We listen to what our own being is telling us about the nature of existence.
In this world people love to talk and be active. Everyone wants to express their opinion. Listen in meditation, not to your thoughts but to your feelings.
The heart is a place of great light and their are different gradations of light that pass through the heart.
It is only if you have the courage to follow your heart that you will succeed on the path of love.
Feeling "comfortable" is the short path to annihilation.
If your life is based around your being comfortable, you're not very comfortable. You suffer quite a bit - becuase in the realm of the senses there is not only pleasure, but there is pain.
Selfless giving changes our concept of our identity. When we give to others our unselfishness removes the spot of "self" that stained our awareness.
We preceive that God is in all of those we give to.
Then we see that the same God is within ourselves.