Buddhism teaches us not to want things, not to avoid things, not to be upset by the loss. In the I Ching, there's a hexagram that says, "Be like the sun at midday". View all things as being equal.
Enlightenment is part of everything and so our minds have to be very big to encompass all things, to understand all things - To see the tao in a grape, the act of sexuality, meditation, work, play, taking a shower, brushing your teeth, being sick and hurting.
Alow immortality to work through you. Be but a mere instrument. And that instrument should be so absorbed in the perfect perfection of existence, that it knows not even that it is absorbed.
Be in harmony with the Tao, with the basic principles of creation. To not be in harmony with that flow, no matter how hard you meditate, you will not be happy and you won't be liberated.
You never seem to hear about psychic occult attack in spiritual literature. This knowledge has been conveniently forgotten.
Innocence does not protect you from the evil designs of others.
In addition to innocence, we have to have knowledge of good and evil.
People have power and it is very important to respect that. Everybody's had thousands of lifetimes, and who knows what anyone has learned in a lifetime ... respect not fear.
In the universe, there is darkness and light. We call this duality. When you seek knowledge and power, there are forces and people that will oppose you.
Not everyone is your friend. When you are psychic you tend to forget that others don't view life the way you do.
To not realize that everyone we think about affects us psychically, to not realize that life is a field of power, is criminal, in my opinion. If you are a sensitive and evolved being, it is simply criminal.
The souls now incarnating are power souls. It is a dark age. To incarnate now one needs psychic self-defense.
We have developed psychic powers in other lives. Now we have many problems because of it, many voices in the mind due to this crowded earth.
When you become empowered everyone becomes interested in you.
If you just develop your psychic ability and don't learn psychic self-defense, you become more sensitive, open, and vulnerable.
Avoiding things that drain you is more important than gaining energy.
While it is possible to create all your own energy, most people feed off the energy of others. If you could see on multiple planes of attention you would be astonished!
Energy is food. Most people on earth feed on each other's energy, all of the time, seven days a week. The more energy you have, the more interested parties there will be in having lunch.
You must consider that there is opposition from other human beings and also non-physical forces that don't want you to succeed.
Many souls thrive on the life force of others and you are lunch!
There are primarily two ways people can drain your energy. They can get you to want them or what they have or they can get you to fear them. In order to drain you they must get into your attention field.
It is possible to take energy from someone else. This is usually done in close, emotional sexual relationships.
In sexual contact a doorway opens between people, and it is very possible for someone to be abusive at that time with energy.
If one party is trusting, it is very easy during sex for the other party to format someone, to put thoughts in their mind, to jam their consciousness or attention, to lower their energy or just take power from them.
Sexual energy becomes problematic if you use to enslave someone, to demoralize them, to hurt them, to wrap them up. The way most people use sexual energy is to hook somebody, to wrap them.