Some people think Taoism means not doing anything, just going on with your life. That has little or nothing to do with Taoism.
Taoism means streching your being, becoming both a man and a woman and joining within yourself, to be the heavens themselves, to stretch your awareness beyond the breaking point until all opposites are reconciled within yourself.
Enlightenment comes through the feminine side of the being.
Examine everything that you've been taught, not simply what you've been taught in school, but the images that have been held up to you since the time of your birth.
Get some distance on yourself and undertand the multilevel structure that's operating. There's a power structure within you. You're a very political creature.
For a person who lives in time, differences are the most important thing because they represent your existence.
When there's no difference, there's no time, no world, no separativity - and there's no you ... nor is there an I.
Initially there's absolutely nothing.
When we have complements or oppositions, change occurs.
Change can only exist in time. Without time there is no change. Change can only exist with a background of that which is changeless, otherwise it has no definition.
We can say the stars are moving because we have a relative context.
If there's no background, no foreground, no opposition, no complements, then there's no change becasue there's no subject and object.
The Chinese used the symbol of tai chi, the undifferentiated reality - no separation, no left and right.
Before perception, before a preceiver, existence was - is. This is the consciousness that we refer to as nirvana, God, eternity.
There is no way to measure it ... because there's no one to measure it.
Everything is part of one web, one matrix of existence, beyond discussion. This is our true self in its undifferentiated form.
We create ying and yang, yes and no, plus and minus.
Most beings enjoy existence so time comes into being.
When there is time, there has to be suffering. Because in time there's desire and attachment and transition. This is the world of experience.
Chaos is not disorder. Chaos is the totality of existence. You could call it God. You could use the term, the Tao. I like chaos. It means more to us in English. Chaos is all things, wild and wonderful, connected perfectly by the life force.
You are not anyone or anything in particular. You are awareness itself. You don't have a particular form. You contain everything or you are contained by all things.
What we're seeking to do is become transparent. A transparent window on reality. But that takes time to do. We're starting with a very solid, objectified view of ourselves and existence
If we're distracted from the continual flow of perfect mind that we're in, suddenly everything configures, everything solidifies. Suddenly a shape appears out of flux, a world appears, karmas appear, pasts, futures, presents, time structures, ying and yang appear.
What we are seeking is the nexus of all possible worlds and states of mind, which is within us. The source of yin and yang is within you.
The I Ching tells us that for every ending there is a new beginning. In other words, what appears like a transition isn't really a transition; it's a continuum of existence. If you close your eyes for a moment the room will appear to go away. But does it really? Open your eyes again and the room will still be there. That's all death is.