If there are problems with the subtle physical body, it's very hard for the kundalini to flow.
The integrity of the subtle body is totally important. As the subtle body wears, we get sick. That is why, eventually, the body dies - it's because something happens to the subtle body.
When something goes wrong with the body of energy that surrounds and protects your physical body, it will later show up in your physical body. The problem always starts in the subtle physical, and then manifests in the physical.
When the subtle physical body is damaged you will begin to notice changes in your skin, you skin starts to get gnarly or dry. I'm not speaking of acne. Acne means you have a lot of kundalini, which stimulates hormones.
When you see deterioration in the skin or the hair, you are having problems with the subtle body. You're taking in too much bad energy, usually from people, or you're thinking too many negative thoughts. You are pulling an energy that is not suitable for the human form.
You are a stranger in a strange land. As an evolved person living in a relatively unevolved world, you are constantly subjected to a bombardment of seemingly endless negative vibrations emanating from those around you.
Psychic impressions can also remain in a physical location for some time. You can move into a home just vacated, pick-up the thought forms from the previous tenants, and assume they were your own thoughts and feelings.
If you live in the city, it is necessary to get out of it on weekends. Then you will realize that most of the thoughts and desires you have are not yours. You will see what is you.
If you drain others energy a lot, you don't want to see this because you do it yourself; but remember, it's real easy to manipulate a manipulator.
Don't always talk about your life, where you live, interests - people learn from your vibratory form and can get inside you. Plus those relationships where you know everything about each other are boring!
Be careful of someone who starts asking a lot of questions about you. Start asking a lot of questions about them. Turn it around.
People hold an image of you and project that image when they feel you are changing. Disappear for a while. Break up your routines.
If you suspect someone is draining you, generally you should not confront them, but be nice, relax them, and then see what they are doing.
Keep some of your attention on your navel center when you are in a situation in which you feel your power is being drained. You will find that you will keep your power tighter, you won't lose as much.
At the umbilical region we actually network with people. Picture that you are cutting those cords to everyone you know. It doesn't mean you don't love them; you are just cutting down on the negative energy pickup from people.
How can you tell if you are draining someone? How far have you gotten into their life? Are they dependent upon you? Are you thinking of them negatively? Does your energy drop when you stop seeing them?
If someone confronts you about draining them it could be a "double reverse." They are draining you and accuse you instead of draining them, just to throw you off.
If a spiritual being is naive to the lower aspects of the world, they usually are killed or die young. Did Jesus really know which of the twelve would betray him? I doubt it.
Practice mediation and concentration exercises, and begin to think more about regaining your sensitivity by avoiding draining situations. Not because of fear but because of intelligence.
There are those who will seek to block you. There are also non-physical forces. To win in the world of enlightenment, it is necessary to be able to will away these forces, to see they're insubstantial.
They can't stop you if, in your heart, you seek enlightenment, empowerment, balance and knowledge.
Every living being is psychic. Whether or not we are consciously aware of it, we feel vibrations and energies coming to us from other people all the time. The vast majority of the thoughts you think and the emotions you feel aren't your own.
There are billions of people on earth. They are all transmitting thoughts and impressions, most of which are not directed towards enlightenment. If you are not focused, you will pick up these energies.
Sensitivity is a too-way street. When you are sensitive you can feel and appreciate, but you can also be injured more easily.
If you are psychic you may see that the smiling faces aren't smiling at all, inside. You can eliminate those individuals from your life and cancel their effect.