How do you know you're even here right now? Perhaps you're not. Perhaps you're far, far away and this is just a dream.
Life is a series of dreams, a series of interlocking awarenesses. I don't necessarily believe in linear time. Everything happens all at once forever.
There is no deterioration and there is no creation. There are projections, moments of existence. Each moment is perfect.
The world is empty - all of the people and places, the earth, the seas, mountains, deserts, forests and cities, and the beings that inhabit them, are unchangeable.
We can only conceive of changing the self-reflection in response to our concept of self-reflection, which is predicated on our concept of self, which is a self-reflection.
We aren't anything in particular. There is no self. There are only ideas and states of mind.
We are made up of nothing. There is no self. We are whatever we decide we are.
When you stop all thought, the battle is won. Everything is still and peaceful. You will come to see the eternal voidness of all things. You will see that nothing is, really.
The world wasn't created. It is created anew at every moment by mind.
Mind only comes into apparent existence through the action of perception. Mind appears to exist because it perceives.
What is incarnation? Incarnation is self-reflection. The universe that we are in is constructed, is a reflection of ourselves. We picked the dimension according to our self-reflection.
There is no self. There is nobody home. No forwarding address, no zip code. Address unknown.
There is no such thing as reality. Reality is what you make it.
Nirvana is something that cannot be known here. I know it seems incongruous, but it is only incongruous from the perspective of the dialectical consciousness of division, of time and space
So in the world of Enlightenment, things are just things, except they're not things. We're in nirvana. There is no debating team.
We label things through value systems that we have developed. But nothing is or is not unless we feel it is that way. We give ground to reality by creating it.
Nirvana is a very exclusive club - no one is in it.
The life of meditation and religious study is absolutely no guarantee of peak moments. Most people involved in religious study and meditation are downright bored, and they're as stuck in what they do as everyone else is.
On the pathway that leads to enlightenment, only your heart can tell you what is right.
Being on the path means we again meditate with joy. We deal with the suffering of life and the pain of existence without perfect enlightenment with a smile.
We could go to monasteries. I could show you people who are very wise and they have great willpower, but they're not happy. They lack balance. They take it all too seriously.
In Buddhism balance is the most difficult thing, because it is overlooked.
Don't think of us as separate beings. Imagine that we are one body and it's been split into millions. When we sit in the mediation hall - that is unity
You human beings think that yoga is in some way going to make everything you want to happen, work out. You are going to be able to avoid what you don't want. That is not yoga. That is desire and aversion.
From the highest state of mind you have a window whereby you could perhaps move beyond all states of mind, to enlightenment.