The description of the world that most people have is very limited. They are in the fog. Once in a while a genuine insight comes through.
There are views. And what we see in a view is not necessarily what is in the view, all that is in the view. We have to separate, to some extent, the perceiver from that which is perceived or we have to lose all distinction whatsoever.
The skeptics who say it can't be done are simply in extremely limited states of mind. They can't even perceive the possibility of anybody doing something that they can't do.
Self-discovery is a process of dissolution and creation. Dissolution means envelopment in eternity. Creation is bringing into focus new awareness
We're using gradients of light as an auric measurement, a quantified auric measurement of the ascension of consciousness from the relatively sensorial, material perceptions of existence to the more refined spiritual perceptions of existence.
Theoretically, everyone's inner being knows everything. There is a part of us that is aware of all things. But that doesn't necessarily do us a whole lot of good unless we are conscious of that.
The other side is beyond knowing. You cannot know what you experience on the other side, here. Wisdom is beyond the grasp of the conscious mind.
We are many, many selves. We're not just a finite being. The selves don't necessarily speak in words. But they are you.
We believe that we decide. We do make decisions. But the deeper decisions come from another part of our being that we're not particularly aware of yet.
Most people simply go through life. They feel that they're making choices in their lives that cause destiny to move in certain ways. I would suggest that they have no control of their lives, all their choices are really made for them.
There is a system and a flow and an organization to the structure of the universe. Just like there's a system and a flow and an organization to the human body, to atomic structures, to the elements.
To take charge of destiny means to play a very convoluted chess game on multiple levels of consciousness and existence.
You're always looking for the ultimate. It's kind of like journeying to Ixtlan. You're never going to get there, but that is no reason not to try.
We want to see the universe in its absolute, pure, naked, perfection. We want to know its wonder. We want to know the totality of ourselves. That's done in steps and degrees and not in one day.
There is only black light between the stars. It may seem that it's darkness, but it's really black light. There is no such thing as darkness. Darkness is a human concept. There's only black light between the stars.
Personal power is a feeling, like life.
Personal power is the ability to enter into different planes of reality.
A great deal has been written about personal power by Carlos Casteneda, and I find his first four books valuable. Of the experiences themselves, who knows? But the principles that are presented are quite valuable for one who seeks power.
There is a grace and an ease to power. You feel good about yourself and your life when you have it. It is well worth having, and it is certainly miserable not to have it.
A person without much power is easily influenced by others, whether they are physical or non-physical beings. Their life is easily ruined. They are blown around like a leaf in the wind.
All living things have an aura, a rapidly vibrating, invisible psychic energy field that protects them from toxic, non-physical energies that would otherwise be detrimental to them.
Life wears us down. We all die here. Depending upon the way you expose yourself to energies and powers and forces will determine whether you have a lot of energy or you lose energy.
Everything that we do involves energy, personal power. The more energy we have, the more we can accomplish.
Freedom is within oneself. But to get beyond the thoughts and desires requires power.
You can measure your power in your ability to stop thought. The longer you can stop thought, the more powerful you are.