You are trying to pierce the veil, to break through the Frisbee so that it doesn't exist, to break through the football so it doesn't exist, and to break through your opponent so they don't exist.
Transform yourself. It is not the opponent that will change, or the Frisbee. They will change in relation to your change. You must change.
Zen and Buddhism have produced martial arts, because of the Buddhist injunction against weapons.
Most martial arts have to do with the mind, ultimately. The ability to be unafraid, to walk away from a fight without fear - that is control.
If you are afraid of other people take a martial arts class. The best way to overcome fear is learn to be proficient in martial arts.
The best martial artist doesn't win fights, but avoids fights. Martial arts is a way of gaining basic self-mastery of your mind, body and emotions. It can also be very useful in combat situations.
Use the practice of mind and body; in order to make those moves perfectly, you have to pull your mind out of its mundane thoughts and awarenesses and bring it into the body movement.
You have thousands of selves inside you. Meditation is a process of peeling back the layers of the self. We start with peeling back the personality from this lifetime.
There are all these people running all over the planet who don't see what life is for, what their own lives are about, because they don't see psychically. Therefore, they miss most of the beauty of life.
It's not going to be easy. It's the earth. What creates power in your life is when you perfect your mind, your career, and your associations with others.
Each time you dip into the well of existence it changes you. Rapid mental development is that process. It is a process of escalating your evolution.
Redefine you. Oh God, life is so beautiful. Don't let it pass you by. Don't miss it. Don't miss it.
The real dance is within; it is within your mind. Everything is inside your mind. God is inside your mind.
The immortal silence is there always waiting for you and that spirit is deathless and courageous. Remember, many have trod the path that you are walking on and they succeeded. They were no better than you, no wiser.
Never get so stuck in being responsible and mindful that you can't let it all go and run off chasing your private dream, if it leads to the shiny worlds, the worlds of beauty.
No one sees life like you do, because you are no one. You change constantly, like the light outside the window.
When we are very young children we know how to feel. It's innate. But as we lead a lifetime, we pick up so many thoughts, impressions, feelings, and ideas, that our sensitivity goes away.
When we open our heart up to someone, that energy, of course, comes into us.
Everyone feels some jealousy, some anger, and some hostility. Don't feel guilty. But to allow them to become dominant expressions of your way of life is off the wall.
Self-acceptance is involved in this process. You have got to be able to look at both your dark and your light side and not get enamored or depressed by either.
Occupy yourself with what's in your life now. Address those situations and subjects as fully as possible with your best efforts. That is what produces happiness and clarity and knowledge and power.
The average person just sees through their senses. The world is filled with wonderful mysteries and beauty. You need personal power to open up all of that, without it - these are just words.
It is the quick path. We turn everything inside out and upside down - which is when it gets straightened out very neatly and in an orderly fashion.
There is a certain degree of pain to be experienced in the search for self-knowledge, as there is a certain amount of joy. You just do it because you find yourself doing it. There just doesn't seem to be much else worthwhile.
When you live in a psychic state of mind, you are happy. You don't have to do anything. Life is always beautiful, but we don't see it when we enter into lower states of mind that are, in effect, cloudy.