Kundalini energy passes through the shushumna, which is a Sanskrit name for an astral nerve channel that runs along the spinal column.
The shushumna is the tube that the kundalini passes up in the subtle body, and on one side is the ida and the other side is the pingala.
A certain amount of the kundalini is always floating through the ida and the pingala. These two little nerve tubes, on either side of the shushumna, keep us alive.
The kundalini runs through you. It runs through the ida and the pingala, the two nerve channels in the subtle body; but there's a central channel, the shushumna, which is blocked. When it runs through that, then you can use the mystical kundalini.
When there is no thought, the kundalini rises. When you create a vacuum, something will be drawn into it. The less thought you have, the more kundalini will flow through the chakras, the shushumna.
If you take the time to bring the light of the supra-conscious into your being, then automatically all blockages will go away. These are just ways of talking, there are no blockages, schematically I mean.
At times of extreme intensity, the kundalini can become active. Suddenly a 70-year old lady, who can't lift a bag of prunes, will lift an automobile a few inches because her grandchild got stuck under it.
The kundalini energy is often compared to a snake that is coiled up. Because it is coiled up it can spring very quickly. It can jump and extend itself very far.
Kundalini is generated through cultivating humility, purity, through meditation, selfless giving, and by studying with an advanced teacher on a personal level.
Focus on an object of some type, hopefully an object that's beautiful or powerful. You could find a pretty colored stone that you just feel good about.
You could use a flower, a candle flame, anything you want that's suggestive of beauty and eternality.
Learn how to focus - that creates a lot of power. Focus on a candle flame for 15 minutes or a pretty colored rock, or one point, or a chakra.
Place an object within your view, hopefully at about eye level. You might have to look down a little bit. Some people have a meditation table on which they put an object of concentration on.
Sit in front of an object of concentration with the eyes open. Focus on a candle flame, or a yantra, a little dot, something small. Just look at it. Focus on it until there is nothing else in your mind. This develops willpower.
Sight is not absolutely essential in this process, but we use sight because it is the dominant sense. It's easiest to interrupt the flow of thought in sense perception and move the mind beyond sense perception with sight.
There is no end to the petals of the inner rose. Continue to unfold set after set of petals until you have completed your meditation session.
An advanced way to meditate, of course, is to focus on your teacher. If you have a spiritual teacher and you focus on them during mediation, then you access the light that flows through them.
You can focus on me or on any spiritual teacher. Spiritual teachers who have left the body, who are no longer on earth can help you too. When I leave the body someday, I can help people just as effectively if they focus upon me.
You can focus on Jesus or Buddha or Krishna, Ramakrishna, Lao Tsu, Yukteswar, Yogananda, Vivekananda, any of the great spiritual teachers who have lived, or on a living teacher, and draw light from them.
Focusing on an enlightened teacher is a doorway. It is not a person. We are focusing on the light that passes through them. We are moving through them into the planes of light and eventually to nirvana.
The inner cry is a very good way to meditate. As you're sitting there in meditation, just cry inwardly to God, to that source, to your spiritual teacher or to a particular god or goddess.
When you are meditating, after you've meditated on the yantra or candle flame, simply try feeling gratitude. Sit and feel grateful to existence because you are meditating.
If you can't feel grateful, if you're discouraged or depressed, then think of the fact that things could be a lot worse than they are.
Cry to god. If you do that just for a couple minutes with your whole being, just like a child who so badly wants a cookie. You will break through the barrier of the mind.
Try to feel that you are beyond time and space when you practice meditation. Go beyond this world, beyond time, beyond life, not a feeling of being spaced out, but in touch with the moment and with eternity.