Words are deceptive. You think you understand something because it's explained to you and now you are under no obligation to do anything because you understand it.
The purpose of all of this is not to walk around with new vocabulary words, but to cause you to speculate on the marvel of your own being.
In the study of consciousness you cannot explain anything verbally. You can only allude to, point in a general direction of.
They get you when you're young. When you are a kid, you are conditioned. You are taught language, customs, and right and wrong. You are filled with fears. This conditioning interferes with your psychic perception.
As a sensitive person around other people, you feel their desires, you feel their angers, and you feel their frustrations. You begin to believe that these desires, angers, and frustrations are yours.
All the billions of people who now inhabit our planet are putting a terrific strain on its aura, making it difficult, even for evolved people to become aware of their past-life knowledge and talents.
You can be locked away in prison and be free if your mind is not a prison. Or you can be walking around with lots of credit cards and be in a prison, the prison of your own mind, the prison of your illusions.
I understand your higher and lower tendencies. There is something beyond all of this nonsense. There is a wonderful glitter that you can follow in life.
Most people put the cart before the horse, which is an interesting way to go through life. They approach everything directly. In Zen we approach everything backwards or inside out.
If you are a person who wants an uncommonly fine life, if you're willing to put in some time each day to do that, then that will happen to you.
How do you develop your psychic abilities? Well, to begin with, naturally, you have to want to and believe that it is possible.
You might as well be perfect. There is really not all that much else to do here that is exciting.
You can't throw your ego away, but you can use its innate desire to experience that which is beyond itself to give you the impetus to meditate.
Meditation is existence. When we meditate, all we are simply doing is letting go and allowing ourselves to dissolve back into that which we really are. We are merging with life and light.
When you experience the light, voila, you're happy. The very nature of the light is happiness. You don't have to do anything or be anybody special.
Meditation is the quickest path to enlightenment.
This is simple meditation, nothingness and everythingness, the color and the form, death and the void, the end and the beginning, a beginningless end with an endless beginning, Pretty clever if you ask me.
Meditation... never leave the body without it!
The kundalini is the life force; it is the essential energy of existence. It is the hidden ingredient in life. It is what makes it all work.
Power is the active force in life. It is the force that makes awareness. The general term for spiritual power is kundalini. Kundalini is the energy of life that creates awareness.
Kundalini is the life force. It is given different names. They call it prana. They divide it into different segments, the apana and the samana; sometimes it's called shakti. Nice names, it is energy.
Kundalini is almost a misleading word, unless you define it as broadly as I do.
Kundalini is prana as it passes through a human being.
The Kundalini resides in the base of the spine. It's a bit of a misnomer because the kundalini really is not so much in the physical body, as in what we call the subtle physical body, the body of energy.
The mystical kundalini is something that I normally use when we're on field trips, when we go to a place of power.