As your love grows, you will find that your attachment to this world will begin to fall away.
When we meditate with love we go very, very high , above thought, above form. Your love will cause you to have a union.
Only real love of the infinite will motivate you. While pain motivates, once we feel comfortable and the pain has stopped, we'll stop evolving. Love is a far superior spiritual vehicle.
Once we harness ourselves to love, it carries us to eternity.
Love teaches you to love your own mortality, just as we love the flowers that bloom for a short time and pass on.
The secret of love is acceptance, acceptance of our finite self, of our life, our birth ... our death.
There will be a perfect flow of energy in whatever you choose to do, and there will be a grace and power present in all of your movements.
The message of love is self-acceptance in the smaller sense and self-acceptance in the large sense - the Self as eternity.
Love leads us to ourselves - this is the mystery of love.
In love we listen. We listen to what others say. We listen to what our own being is telling us about the nature of existence.
In this world people love to talk and be active. Everyone wants to express their opinion. Listen in meditation, not to your thoughts but to your feelings.
The true teacher of love is the heart. The heart is very, very wise. It makes mistakes from time to time, but it has a wisdom all of its own.
The heart is a place of great light and their are different gradations of light that pass through the heart.
It is only if you have the courage to follow your heart that you will succeed on the path of love.
Feeling "comfortable" is the short path to annihilation.
If your life is based around your being comfortable, you're not very comfortable. You suffer quite a bit - becuase in the realm of the senses there is not only pleasure, but there is pain.
Selfless giving changes our concept of our identity. When we give to others our unselfishness removes the spot of "self" that stained our awareness.
We preceive that God is in all of those we give to.
Then we see that the same God is within ourselves.
Finally, we see that there is no one and nothing but God.
Selfless giving reminds us that there is an eternally present spirit in all of us, that when revealed, liberates us from both the transitory and the eternal - both of which ultimatly can be attachments.
Everyone is part of you.
When you do something for someone else, it's for you. When you do something for yourself, it's for someone else.
What motivates someone who's become wealthy to go out and work in the ghetto with those who are poor? What motivates one who has perfect health to go and work with the sick? If you understand - then you understand the root and cause of all existence.
Eternity gives life to all and sustains all, transforms all on the wheel of dharma - until all attain perfection.