I practice selfless giving not because I'm remarkable but just because I find that its terrifically fun!
In the big picture we are all eternal.
Krishna suprises Arjuna. He says go fight, go kill. Do this because it's only play money. You can't kill your friends any more than they can kill you.
Kirshna says its better to be a winner than a loser. It runs counter to what a lot of people whould think, because they have watered down, quasi-religious ideas about that which creates in enlightenment.
The more talented the opponent, the luckier you are. You have draw a great deal of strength from your being.
The difficult opponent is the best.
Kirshna's message is eternal - fight!
Yoga means we take responsibility for the tasks in our life. Whatever we are supposed to have karmically, life gives us. The question is: how do we handle it?
You don't need a special task. Every task is special.
The most giving souls are those who give when they don't have to give, who could just walk away from this world and its suffering and merge with eternal existence and bliss forever.
Some persons choose, rather than stay in immortal bliss all the time, to come back for others.
Christ didn't have to. Buddha didn't have to. They came back to teach. They came back to die, to suffer, when it was no longer necessary for them to do so.
If you are fortunate enough to meet such a being then you will really learn selfless giving. You'll see that every second, every moment of their awareness is directed towards others.
You can tell a person's level of spiritual devlopment simply by watching how much they give.
The true hallmark of how advanced a person is, is how they treat those around them. Not simply what they say or what they preach, but the results they generate, how kind they are.
Selfliss giving rounds the edges in spiritual practice. Many people can meditate very well but they're still very egotistical.
Meidtation and selfless giving must always go together. They work together to create immortality.
Meditation without selfless giving is not enough. You may go into very high states of consciousness but the rough edges will still be there - there may be lots of selfish motives lurking within the self - that you don't see.
Selfless giving is friendliness. An attitude towards life, a reverence for life. It is one of the highest of all ways.
Be kind, be loving, be generous. Give of yourself, give of your time and you'll be free. It's the oldest secret, the one thats most often forgotten - and that is to have fun through giving.
Each day try and go through the day with an attitude of being a servant to the world. You'll benefit the most - and the way will be joyous.
Eternity, I don't know what's right or wrong, good or bad. I may be doing what's right or I may be deceiving myself. So instead, what I'm going to do is give my life to you.
Giving my life to you may mean leading a very ordinary life or it may mean leading an extraordinary life. It may mean having a family and a career or it may mean going beyond all that to just work for others. It's hard to say. Rather than making a decision myself, I'm going to give my life to you, to do with as you will, because I know that you are my self, you are my very being.
When this life ends, I will be absorbed back into you. I have come forth from you . You are all good and you know all that there is. So please act in me and through me at every moment and every second. Let me be but an extension of your being. Teach me how to live and love selflessly, at all times.
There are the samskaras, the tendencies from your other lifetimes, ways of seeing, habits that are so strong, they affect you now. They are the operative situations in your life that are created by karma.