Words like meditation, karma, samskaras, they're just words. You can get into the jargon, you can speak it, but that doesn't mean you'll be any freer.
The final battles are the samskaras of good karma. They prevent Samadhi. Naturally for a religious person the avoidance is intensive. They are so hung up on good karma and on method.
I like extreme athletics, extreme meditation and extremely beautiful women. Perhaps I'm an extreme person, or it's simply my Karma. But I must tell you, as if you hadn't read about me in a newspaper or seen me on a magazine format television show, there are extreme risks involved with all three.
I may discuss contemporary cinema, how to shop at a mall without losing energy, how to use the power of mind to increase career and academic success, the Zen of sports, reincarnation, karma, sex, the experience of "suchness" or a new book by Stephen King.
If I used justice, you'd all be dead. The karma that you throw at me when you don't like me - if I just let it come back, you'd all be destroyed in no time.
Many spiritual teachers have done this. They have disbanded their whole community because everyone got angry. The karma, at a certain point, has to go back to the person; it's intensified and hurts them spiritually.
How do you become enlightened? I don't know: Luck, karma, skill, friends in high places, friends in low places.
It's considered very, very bad karma, if I can cut to the chase, to take power from a teacher and not use it for something very positive.
Is there Chance? No. There is karma. Karma causes all things to happen. There is only one thing karma cannot decide, and that is how far you will evolve in this lifetime.
Success will come about because you are in a higher state of mind. If you create good karma, then you will go into higher states of mind.
How do you overcome the negative karmas and problems and misery that occur to people who abuse power? You stop abusing power.
If we're distracted from the continual flow of perfect mind that we're in, suddenly everything configures, everything solidifies. Suddenly a shape appears out of flux, a world appears, karmas appear, pasts, futures, presents, time structures, ying and yang appear.
If you stay in the attention you are in, then you can predict everything that will happen to you for the rest of your life.
Your choices are really very limited. They are limited by your level of awareness. If you can change your level of awareness radically, then you can change your destiny.
Each of is endlessly generating waves with our actions. If you could see the earth from a vibratory point of view, you would see something like radio waves billions of them, cascading constantly into very complex patterns all over the earth.
There comes a time when a race of beings makes a decision. When they chose to reject enlightenment, it's the end of their world because the karma is inevitable. They have to destroy themselves.
There are different pathways - be it Zen, tantra, karma yoga, or jnana yoga. Different ways have been devised to do the same thing for different types of people according to their temperament.
Buddhists understand that today and all other days have turned out the way they have because of karma. The interconnection of one moment with another moment, of one action with another action, is karma.
Everything that exists in this or any other world or dimension, does so because of the way that things were in the previous moment. I call this the karma of moment.
The karma of immediate availability is the condition of your awareness field. The karma of potentiality is what is stored inside you from your past lives.
What you have done causes things to happen. Your situation in life now has been caused, is predicated upon, your previous actions. That is karma.
Karma is simply the law of cause and effect in action. All moments and occurrences are caused by other moments and occurrences that preceded them in an endless, causal chain.
There are physical karmas. They are reactions and results from actions. But those are bound to a particular lifetime.
Karma doesn't mean that everything works out justly.
Karma is not a cop-out. The esoteric meaning of karma is that you are who you are, because of what you have done and who you have been.