You can't throw your ego away, but you can use its innate desire to experience that which is beyond itself to give you the impetus to meditate.
When you experience the light, voila, you're happy. The very nature of the light is happiness. You don't have to do anything or be anybody special.
Meditation is the quickest path to enlightenment.
Meditation... never leave the body without it!
The inner cry is a very good way to meditate. As you're sitting there in meditation, just cry inwardly to God, to that source, to your spiritual teacher or to a particular god or goddess.
Try to feel that you are beyond time and space when you practice meditation. Go beyond this world, beyond time, beyond life, not a feeling of being spaced out, but in touch with the moment and with eternity.
The second stage of meditation begins when you can successfully stop thought for long periods of time. At this point you move beyond the awareness of this world.
The third stage is no thought. No thought is not the end of meditation. It is the beginning of higher meditation.
Never expect anything from a particular meditation. Once you have gotten started, different methods get you into the stream, let the meditation take you wherever it would like to.
Everything is dependent on your ability to stop thoughts. The longer you can stop your thoughts in meditation, the faster you will evolve, the more power you will pick up and the more knowledgeable and balanced you will become.
Meditation, in the beginning, is just replacement thinking. Instead of having the usual negative things that wander around in your mind, you are replacing those with very bright images.
If you allow people, places and things, to pass through your mind during meditation, you will pull in all those other auras and you be much more confused and dissociated than you were prior to your meditation experience.
If you start picking up other people's impressions while you are meditating, then instead of clearing yourself, you are just going to completely glom yourself up to the point where there is no meditation.
When your mind drifts away from one of the secret meditation techniques, do not become upset or frustrated. Gently move your mind back to the technique you were practicing and begin again.
Be neither attracted nor repulsed. You are watching a movie. If the visions are beautiful or horrible, Don't get caught up in them. Enjoy your popcorn.
Mindfulness is passive meditation. It is passive because your energy and your attention are divided between your actions and your practice, your meditation.
Mindfulness is when you are engaged in activities but the mind is set into the meditative state all the time. Meditation is to be aware of many different levels. It's not just the absence of thought.
The best form of meditation is the sitting meditation. But work is next. Work is a great way to meditate.
If you are going to focus on a teacher, you have to be focused on the teacher and not peripheral vibrations that might be around them or it will totally screw up your meditation.
In meditation you can erase the conditioning. But still, you have to fight the description of the world that everyone else is carrying around.
Meditation erases conditioning. It allows a person to channel the kundalini energy through their subtle physical body and reach enlightened states of awareness.
In deep meditation, all of the things that we call life, all of the combinations of experiences, fall away.
Each day when you meditate, you should devote the first few minutes of your meditation to concentration. This will develop the power of the intellect.
In this world people love to talk and be active. Everyone wants to express their opinion. Listen in meditation, not to your thoughts but to your feelings.
Through the practice of meditation and the auric empowerments and guidance of an enlightened master, you can totally change your karmic destiny.