It is because people exist in varyinig degrees of the dream.
If I enter into your dream and say, "wake up!" If you awaken, then the dream will vanish. We'll be right where we always were and always will be, everywhere and nowhere - eternally perfect, infinite awareness.
Jnana yoga is a very demanding practice. It's necessary for you to become conscious of the fact that you're not human.
We have to constantly ask ourselves: "Who am I?"
We have to remind ourselves that we are not the transitory body, we are not the person who is having experiences, we are not affected by action or inaction.
A perfect life is to observe - to realize that you have no control over the events in your life, that there are no events in your life, that there is no life.
You can enjoy the beauties of this world, as long as you remember this world doesn't exist.
Discrimination, viveka, means you know the difference between the transient and the eternal. That's what discrimination means in Shankara's yoga.
We must constantly remind ourselves that we are eternity, infinite, beyond birth and death.
Birth and death are illusions, they are part of the dream.
On waking from the dream, we see that birth and death, the sense of self, other - all of these things fade away.
In the course of an individual being's evolution we will practice each of these yogas. One path is not superior to another.
The path that is followed by most persons in the beginning of their spitirual search is the path of love, bhakti yoga.
As you pass through bhakti yoga, as you pass through love, you're elated. You're fulfilled and you're joyous.
Love is the easiest and most effective way to begin our search for self-realization.
The art of spirituality is learning to be happy in any condition and in any circumstance. This is the art of love.
Love is the highest of all qualities we can experience.
Love is, in its essence, a free, formless strand of luminosity.
Beyond matter is spirit and in spirit there is nothing but love.
If we examine the essence of existence, we'll find that the essence is love. There really is nothing that isn't love.
Love is the strongest force in the universe
Everything is a formation or an aggregate of love.
Love knits families together, friends, lovers, societies, nations and perhaps oneday a world.
In the most advanced state of love we don't love for any reason or purpose. We don't even direct our love necessarily to an object.
Most people suffer in love because of attachment. Attachment means we're interested in a net return on our investment.