We have two choices in life: One is to fulfill ourselves. The other is to take the time and energy that we would utilize in fulfilling ourselves and use it to make others happy.
You suffer because you try to fulfill yourself. You think of yourself in a limited way.
If we look further, we see that we actually contain all of existence. Everyone who has ever been or will ever be, is in some way contained in our awareness. Our awareness is like the sky, it's endless.
We try to fulfill ourselves, even though our inner voice tells us to become all that we are - still, we run from it.
We hide in relationships. We hide in material possessions. We hide in ambitions, secret desires, hates, frustrations, jealousy, self-ptiy, in our insecurity - and more than anything our vanity and our egotism.
If your nature is infinite awareness trapped in a body, suddenly there's a lack of happiness, a lack of freedom. No matter what you get you'll never be happy, because these are all trinkets.
If a bird is used to flying and you put in a a cage, it won't be a happy bird; It wants to fly; that's its nature. Your nature is infinite awareness.
You have no fixed self. This is only an illusion that causes you to feel pain and suffering.
The reason why we're not happy is because we believe consciously and subconsciously that we're separate from god, eternal awareness.
We define a world. We build a house, then after building the house we enter into it and we never leave it.
Whenever we just try to please ourselves, all we do is cover up another window in the little house we're stuck in.
Whenever we do something for someone else, we affirm that we are not simply in it for ourselves, that our self is someone else, is everyone else.
What you do affects your awareness field. When you do something selfless your attention feild is more clear, more lucid.
When you do something "selflish" you'll feel constricted and restricted. You won't be happy.
Those who pursue a worldy life - who try to get others to do what they want, to peform for them, who use and abuse in the name of their own happiness - are miserable.
If, when you give to someone you think you're better than they are because your practing selfless giving, you're not loving.
Selfless giving does not imply superiority. Selfless giving is about love.
Selfless giving is being nice and there are times we don't want to be.
You could go outside today and have a glum face, or you could put a smile on your face and go out into the world, even though you don't feel like it - that's selfless giving!
If you are unhappy - be that way in your bedroom - but whenever you come out into the world, in real selfless giving we push all of that aside and we smile, love and give to others.
We could be unhappy and discouraged for ourselves, but we're trying to be in a high vibratory state so we can be of service to others.
We must bring light to as many people as possible. Who has time to indulge in self-pity or guilt? In advanced self-giving you have no time for this. You just push these emotions out.
Granted, in order to give selflessly, one often starts giving selfishly. As Tiresias said to Odysseus: "Honey ... you don't get through hell in a hurry"
It's better to do something, even if you're attached to the results.
Be kind; you're only here for a while. No sense of superiority, just do things for others. It's really fun.