I really have a love for comedy. I can't express it enough.
It's not that comedy has changed in terms of what's funny. For me, it's changed in that sometimes I don't feel my finger is on the pulse.
Funny is funny is funny.
Timing is the essence of life, and definitely of comedy.
Selling pot allowed me to get through college and make enough money to start off in comedy.
[Comedy] is an escape from illusions. The audience is...thinking, 'This bullshit we see and hear all day makes no sense.'
It is hard to keep a straight face during comedy scenes. It's considered really bad form to laugh at someone else because you can ruin their best take. But sometimes it's very hard not to.
Everybody grows up with comedy. I mean, Egyptian comedy has a very, very old tradition. Our theater and our movies are just, like, amazing.
Eddie Murphy was the Michael Jordan of comedy. He had a full range of abilities.
You can (be a middle-aged comic) if you work very hard at it, because comedy is really hard.
'Rubberneck' has nothing to do with comedy, nor does it follow comedic people.
I'm standing in a slaughterhouse where the cattle are begging to become hamburgers. I have a right to be jumpy.
There are only a few genres, horror and comedy, where you can get that immediate feedback from the audience. It's very gratifying when that's what you're going for, and you can hear the reactions in all the places that you intended.
I found I had the ability to do comedy. My timing was really inborn.
In addition to comedy, I'm a writer. I write checks. They're not very good.
What drives the creative person is that we see it all.
That's my opportunity to hide behind that old lady and say what I want to say.
There's the exciting part about comedy - if you catch an act just before they go mainstream, that's the best. After they hit the mainstream, everything gets watered down a little bit.
The ladies of comedy now are comfortable dressing up. It's not forbidden anymore.
I love drama - I would say more than I even love comedy - but I like in One Mississippi that I can go from a very moving moment to a Willy Wonka tube up my ass. I like the silliness as much as I like drama.
People are amazed that I do comedy. I always did comedy.
The ability to understand and deliver comedy and tragedy is extremely rare in one composer.
I hadn't really done a comedy other than The Ape since Freaks and Geeks.
My theory is that comedy comes from little people.
Usually comedy is only available to us ladies in the romantic comedy. That's why I hate romantic comedies.