
Weight Loss Quotes - Page 2

Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die.

Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die.

"Cat's Cradle". Book by Kurt Vonnegut, 1963.

Nothing comes merely by thinking about it.

John Wanamaker (1923). “Maxims of Life and Business”

At the end of the day, your health is your responsibility.

Jillian Michaels (2009). “Winning by Losing: Drop the Weight, Change Your Life”, p.23, Harper Collins

Believe while others are doubting.

William Arthur Ward, “Believe while others”

We never repent of having eaten too little.

Letter to Thomas Jefferson Smith, 21 February (1825)

How long does getting thin take?

A. A. Milne (2012). “Winnie-the-Pooh”, p.27, Egmont UK

Fat gives things flavor.

"Julia Child: What I've Learned". Interview with Mike Sager, June 2001.

I'm fat, but I'm thin inside... there's a thin man inside every fat man.

Coming up For Air (1939) pt. 1, ch. 3. See also Cyril Connolly (3.85)

Eating crappy food isn't a reward -- it's a punishment.

FaceBook post by Drew Carey from Feb 27, 2013