Humor Quotes - Page 28
Cassandra Clare (2012). “Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instruments Series (5 books): City of Bones; City of Ashes; City of Glass; City of Fallen Angels, City of Lost Souls”, p.1118, Simon and Schuster
Song: I'm Bo Yo
Will Rogers, Bryan B. Sterling (1995). “Will Rogers Speaks: Over 1,000 Timeless Quotations for Public Speakers (writers, Politicians, Comedians, Browsers ...)”, M Evans & Company
Attributed to Rene Descartes in Ian Glynn "An Anatomy of Thought: The Origin and Machinery of the Mind" (p. 7), 2003.
Michael Shurtleff (2009). “Audition: Everything an Actor Needs to Know to Get the Part”, p.3, Bloomsbury Publishing USA
Most successful investors, in fact, do nothing most of the time.
Jim Rogers (2013). “Street Smarts: Adventures on the Road and in the Markets”, p.58, Crown Business
The Man WhoWas Thursday ch. 4 (1908)
"Remarkable Guide to the Orchestra". Comedy, Music, May 9, 2009.
Illegal aliens have always been a problem in the United States. Ask any Indian.
"They Said What?". Manly Daily, August 05, 2008.